chapter five

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You woke up with actually not a bad headache as you thought you would have.

You rubbed your eyes before you opened instantly noticing that you weren't in your own dorm.

Oh god where am I?

You thought to yourself the second you scanned the room.
You looked under the covers and sighed in relief when you saw that you were still wearing your clothes from last night.

"Okay at least I didn't sleep with anyone" you mumbled to yourself.

You suddenly heard someone snoring on the ground and you snapped your head towards the sound. A boy was laying on the floor clearly still in his clothes from last night

Okay I can clearly remember his face from last night but what was his name again??

You thought to yourself again. You slightly tapped his shoulder making him jump up.

"Oh my God what happened?'' He screamed scared.

"Nothing!" You exclaimed throwing your hands up.

"Oh Y/N it's just you..." he rubbed his head eyes still closed

"Yeah... what's your name again?" You asked embarrassed and blushing.
"I-I can remember your face but I basically forget everything that happened yesterday" you continued blushing even more

"I'm Youngjae" he answered smiling

"Are you okay tho? You drank quite a lot yesterday and I was actually really surprised when you sat down on my lap" he said making you even more embarrassed if that was possible
"I'm sorry that I didn't stop you! I usually dont do that stuff with girls that I just met but you know.. I was drunk too" he was now blushing too

"I'm fine. Thank you for letting me sleep here last night even if I could've go back to my dorm. And also thank you that you like... didnt take advantage of me or somehting because of my stage" you answered still with a red face

"No of course not I would never! Even if I'm drunk I wouldn't take advantage of girls in any ways like that!" He explained fast .

"Well... do you know the others? Like The seven boys, Jisoo and rose?" You asked because as much as you could remember they all seemed more comfortable with each other  than the other people on the party

"Yes Me, Yugyeom,Jackson and mark are friends with them all" he answered you smiling again.

"Oh that's cool.." you said.

A really awkward aura filled the room and you shifted uncomfortably in the bed.

"Uh I think its time for me to go again" you said awkwardly standing up which made him stand up properly too.

"Yeah... I'm sorry again that I just took you here last night" he apologised again embarrassed

"No it's fine really I'm glad that it wasnt some stranger that no one there knew and god knows what could've happened then" you said taking your purse and shoes  that were laying on the floor

"Do you want me to go to your dorm with you? You know to make sure you're getting there safe" he asked while he was trying to get his messy hair under control

"You really don't need to! I'm sure I will make it there alive" you said giggling making your way to the door

"Okay then... I'll see you another time then" he said before you left.


"OH MY GOD Y/N!" your best friend yelled the second you entered the dorm.

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