chapter eight

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"Yes mom I will come to visiti you soon" you said in your phone .

"Yes I have no classes the whole week"
You answered her

"Yes I will visit you didnt I say that already" you repated yourself sighing

"Yes I love you guys too" you said smiling slightly now

"Yeah. See you next week mom. Bye" you ended the call before sighing.

Your mom has been telling you a lot lately to come home to visit them and you weren't really thrilled to go home because you knew it would be hard for your mom to let you go again.

You were really close with your mom, you loved and trusted her a lot which made it hard for you to love for college months ago.

You did cry a lot but you also had to leave for you future which she understood and supported of course.

Some people would have said its ridiculous to cry so much but your college was like 5 hours away from your home which was a lot in your opinion.

And it also wasnt that cheap to go from Seoul to your hometown busan but you were still going to do it next week because you wanted to make your mom happy.

"Your mom?" Y/B/F/N came out of the bathroom with an oversized shirt and wet hair.

"Mhm" you mumbled rubbing your eyes.

"I think I need to get a Job" you sighed and your best friend lay down next to you on your bed

"Why that?" She asked turning to her side and you did the same so you were looking at each other.

"I just need to earn some money so I wont give out all my savings. I know I saved it all for  college but I dont want to just  throw it all away when I could've saved more. Maybe my kids will need it in the future? And it will just be a little job like I had in High school" You said and she chuckled

"You're thinking about your children's future before yours?" She asked laughing slightly and you nodded also giggling

"Well then let's get a job together" she said and you stopped laughing

"Huh" You were confused.

"We've done everything together already and a Job with you would just add a new thing on our list with the things we've done together" she smiled at you and you smiled back at her

"You're the best you know that?" You asked her and she smirked sheepishly

"Of course I do" she said proud

"How are things with Seokjin? Still just texting?" She asked suddenly and you nodded

"Who does he think he is? It's unfair what he is doing" she said annoyed.

"Why is that unfair? If he doesn't feel comfortable enough with me or to trust me its fine I can live with it" you fake smiled which she noticed

"That's clearly a fake smile sweetie i know you and also its not fine!" She protested.

"It doesnt matter anyway. Did Jimin ask you to be his girlfriend already?" You asked excited

"You're funny. You're asking me as if i wouldn't call you before I even answer him" she answered making you both laugh

"I would be scared that you would let the poor guy stand in front of you while you're like "wait I gotta call y/n" " you laughed

"That's exactly what I would do" she said even more laughing now.

"Well basically you two are already together, from all the dates that you've been, and the way you two act together" you said now stopping laughing

"All the dates? It's been like three dates Y/N" she laughed slightly

"That's already enough in my opinion" you answered chuckling

"Well yeah even one date would be enough for you" she said and you nodded in agreement

"God I still cannot believe that Yoonseok is official now!" You exclaimed sitting up so it was easier to talk. She sat up too and giggled at the shipname you both made.

"Crazy right? I actually didnt think that Yoongi was interested in boys. But well I guess hobi just has this effect on everyone. This boy is basically a sunshine" Your best friend said shrugging.

"True. We really found the perfect friends here didnt we" you asked sighing with a small smile on your lips

"Yeah we really did. And I'm glad we are still together" she answered you and you took her hand

"Of course. We said forever and we will stick to it!" You reassured her squeezing her hand a bit.

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