Chapter twenty six

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[Again, this might  confuse you first, but read the chapter until the end and you'll hopefully understand my idea behind this, thank you🥰 ]

"Okay I think that's enough for today!" You interrupted your best friend telling yours and Jins story a bit too detailed.

"But mom~!!! We wanted to hear the rest of the story. Why did you never tell us that you and dad lived like in a book!" Your 10 years old daughter whined and Y/B/F/N started laughing.

"Yes that's so unfair Auntie Y/N...!" Y/B/F/Ns daughter started pouting. She was the same age as your daughter.

Her Husband, Youngjae, yes the Youngjae that let you sleep in his dorm after that one party years ago, just rolled his eyes are her playfully, having heard the story about 500 times already.

"Right? I never knew love stories could be interesting in any way." Your son, who was already 13 years old, added and you rolled your eyes, but with a little smile on your face.

Before anything else could be said the door rang and you smiled brightly.

"Oh look the rest is here!" You ran away from the conversation opening the door.

Hoseok was smiling brightly, holding his husbands hand in his right hand and carrying their two years old daughter in his other arm.

"Well hello there Min Family!" You greeted them smiling and Chanri, their daughter, made grabby hands at you wanting you to hold her which you of course did.

They all entered the house and before you could close the door you saw The rest of the boys nearing your house.

Taehyung and Jimin had adopted a little babyboy right after they got married, which was almost 5 years ago, and he started running to you giving you a big hug.

"Hey Sweetheart!" You greeted him hugging him back.

Right after the couple, Namjoon and Jungkook were walking over to your house, with their Seven years old Son next to you.

Sadly Namjoon and Jungkook weren't a couple anymore. When Beomseok turned five, they realised it wasnt really working anymore, and that it wasnt fair to keep the relationship for either of them.

They parted in good ways and Beomseok always got to see both of his dads whenever he wanted, because the boys didnt think it's good for their son to live apart from any of them.

After everyone greeted each other, and sat in the living room, it started to get loud again, the kids playing with their toys on the ground while the elders talked and laughed about literally anything.

You were used to it already and you loved how the things were for you.

You had Friends, you had family you had everything you wanted.

Most importantly you had your husband next to you, still looking at you like he fell In love yesterday, still looking at you like you were the only one in the room.

He may be not able to express his feelings with words, but his eyes, and the sign language were enough because you didnt need to hear anything, when you knew that he loved you.

And you loved him back, with all his imperfections that made him so unbelievably perfect in your eyes.

Life maybe wasnt always easy for you, and just like every other couple you fought, which wasnt always easy too because Seokjin was Mute, but in the end of the day you guys needed each other, and didn't care about the stupid fights.

It doesnt matter if a person is disabled in any way. They can be blind, mute, deaf, or maybe he cant walk, or whatever because in the end nothing matters but your love for the person.

Just because they cant hear you doesn't mean they don't know you love them.

Just because they cant tell you doesnt mean they dont love you.

Just because they cant see you doesnt mean they dont think you are the most beautiful person on earth.

Everyone is perfect the way they are, no one is less human for having a disability because that just makes them more unique.

Don't be afraid to love someone because  of who they are.

In the end we are all the same anyways, doesnt matter which race, eye colour, skin colour, religion/believe or culture we have.

So dont judge anyone without knowing anything about them, don't be afraid to get to know the person, because hey you never know.

Maybe you will spend the rest of your life with the person whom you were afraid to give love and respect to...

Just be yourself. Accept yourself and others the way you and they are.

[soooo this is the end, and if you dont understand it, this is a chapter in the presence, while the whole book was like In the past it's like "your best friend" told the story you know??... its badly written like really badly :< but I think you guys get my message at least I hope so.

Never forget that you are beautiful and perfect, and I know it takes time to accept that, I'm also working on it. But just look at yourself in the mirror and say "Hey today I look beautiful." And believe me it will make you feel better.

Thank you again for the support on this book, I really really enjoyed writing this heh and thank you so much for sticking with me until The end :)) ]

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