chapter four

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Taehyung:Hey can I give your number to the boys? They've been annoying me all the time?

Taehyung: helllllooo?¿

Taehyung: are you there?


Taehyung: are you okay?

You woke up to your phone constantly buzzing next to you. You rubbed your eyes annoyed.

"Ugh who the hell is this?" You asked yourself turning around with just one eye open.

You took your phone and looked at the time first


Then you read the messages and you didnt know if you should be annoyed or amused because taehyung really thought you were awake at this time
You decided to answer him.

You: good morning to you too Taehyung

Taehyung: Y/N!!! YOU'RE ALIVE!

You:I obviously am, but I was asleep. why are you awake at this time?

Taehyung: oh the boys and I had to do somehting

You: ... at 4 in the morning?

Taehyung: well yes otherwise the teachers wouldnt allow us to do it. So we are doing it secretly. But please dont tell anyone.

You:I wont I wont. And to your question  yes you can give them my number. They better dont spam me while I'm sleeping tho

Taehyung:I will tell them thank you!!

Taehyung:Sooo... what are you doing right now?

You: I was planning on going to sleep again. Since I have later classes today.

Taehyung: Oh yeah yeah right! Then good night and sleep well!

You: Good night

You put your phone away again and chuckled slightly at Taehyungs childish behaviour.

Before you even knew it you were in a deep slumber again.


"I'm so glad we have our classes together on Thursdays" you said to your Best friend as you both walked to your classes

"Well I'm obviously your favourite person here" she said giggling while wrapping her arm around your arm

"You indeed are" you answered giggling too.

You two were talking about random girl stuff before you entered the Room.

You sit down next to each other and before you even knew it the class began and ended already.

And that's how it went with the other classes too.

Walking inside the room
Sitting down
Waiting for the professor
The class starts
You write everything down that you need
The class ends
You walk to your next class

Always the same. And always equally tiring and boring.


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