♧ Another Day ♧

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Author's p.o.v

"Get out of the way fag! haha" Jungkook and his friends said pushing Taehyung on the ground while walking through the hallways of their school.

"*sigh* here we go again another day of this." Taehyung says getting up and picking up his stuff he dropped.

It sucks getting bullied by your crush, the one you think is handsome, it makes you feel useless at some points.

Taehyung's p.o.v

I'm used to this and I have no friends, one, because I'm gay, they think I'll turn them gay too by just being around me so I'm alone 24\7. And two, because Jungkook's an asshole and likes to spread rumors. I don't have anyone at home except my brother Jin, our parents died when I was 14 it has been 4 years since. Jin has been taking care of me, he really is a good brother.

After I got up I head to class because I was a few minutes late because of Jungkook, this always happens.

I walked in and everyone looked at me, some girls were pointing at me and laughing ugh. Then there is Jungkook looking at me with a huge smirk on his face probably planning the next attack and beating that is going to happen after school as usual

"Kim Taehyung you are late again, Care to explain?"

I looked at Jungkook, his smirk grew bigger I rolled my eyes.

"U-um, you see I-" I was cut off by our teacher Mr.Kai

"You know what I don't care anymore, you have detention after school." Great detention, now I have to see Jungkook and his friends sooner then I usually do.

Jungkook always has detention he always does something to get it, I think he likes detention if you ask me.

Mr. Kai gave me my detention slip then I walked to the back of the classroom in the corner and sat in my usual seat. This is far away from everyone so I get to hide in my little corner for the 50 minutes im in this class.

I was laying my head down like I always do because I was finished with everything I was assigned when I felt paper get thrown at my head.

I looked up quickly and saw Jungkook looking at me smirking. "Damn what is with that smirk?" I whispered to
myself, I looked at the paper that was thrown at my head and unwadded it and looked what was on it.

To the fag

You are useless and a big fag, hope you like your new locker design.

The bully

What did that mean "new locker design" oh fuck what did he do. And how many times is he going to use "fag" in a sentence, he said it to much that it doesn't hurt me anymore.

I wadded the paper back up and threw it back at him which was a mistake because he gave me a death glare.

Hope you enjoy another crappy fan fiction 💜💜

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