♧ The After Math ♧

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3:00 A.M
Jungkook's p.o.v

I was sleeping when I heard cries next to me I opened my eyes to see Taehyung crying in his sleep, he looked like he was in pain, which I don't blame him because of what happened.

He started to talk, the talking started to get louder and higher in pitch, it soon became screaming. "Please, please, PLEASE NO, NO GET AWAY FROM ME NOOOO"

"Hey, hey Tae it is ok, Tae wake up." He opened his eyes and screamed. "Get away from me!" I looked at him with concern. "Baby, it is ok, it is just me." He calmed down once he really looked at me, but he started crying.

"I-Im sorry Kookie, I didn't mean to yell at you." I nodded showing him it was ok. "It is ok baby. Did you have a nightmare?" I asked rubbing his tummy. He nodded. "Do you want to talk about it?" He froze, like he was scared to talk to me. "Baby, what's wrong? Talk to me." He gulped before he spoke. "I-it was about happened with J-jackso-on." His sons got louder than before. I pulled him into my embrace and hugged him tightly.

"Tae I'm so sorry that happened to you, I should stayed with you knowing he was going to be here. I am so so sorry." Tears threatened to fall from my eyes. "Kookie it isn't your fault, it is mine this would of never happened if I just told him to fuck off and I was stupid to drink something the asshole gave me, I should of known better." I shook my head harshly. "No, no Taehyung this is not your, this will never be your fault, you didn't know this kind of thing would happen, no one would of saw it coming." He nodded, I hugged him tightly again before kissing him gently, he kissed back. "Come on baby, lets go back to sleep." He shook is head no. " No, I don't wanna, I don't want to have that dream again."

"Baby you wont, I promise, as long as I hold you, it won't dare come." I smiled and he smiled back, I could tell he was still hesitant but he nodded. "Ok Kookie, let's go to sleep." He laid back down and I cuddled him as tightly as I could.

"Goodnight Tae."

"Goodnight Kookie."

I'm sorry this one is short, but the next one will be longer. Hope you enjoy reading this... 💜💜

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