♧ Why Are You Helping Me? ♧

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Jungkook's p.o.v

I got to my house and parked in my driveway, I looked over at Taehyung who was still sleeping peacefully like an angel. "Ugh I'm really an asshole aren't I" I said regretting whatever I did to him.

I picked his sleeping body up into my arms and brought him into my house. I brought him to my couch and laid him down carefully, I went and got the first aid kit and cleaned the cuts I could see. I clean the rest when he wakes up, while he sleeps I'm going to take a shower.

*Time skip*

I was getting dressed after maybe 10 minutes in the shower, I thought a lot. I heard a big thud downstairs, I hurried and put my pants a shirt on and ran downstairs. When I entered the living room I saw Taehyung laying the floor by the couch. " what hell, Taehyung are you ok!" I tried to help him up but he smacked me away. I didn't notice he was crying until I looked at his face. "P-please d-dont touch *sob* m-me." This hurt me for some reason, seeing him broke like this hurt me and it never used too." Hey, hey it's ok, I'm not going to hurt you." I tried touching him but again, he hit my hand away. "I SAID DON'T FUCKING TOUCH ME, YOU JACKASS,LEAVE ME ALONE." I really hurt him. "I-I am sorry, I am trying to help you." He looked at me in disbelief." You, help me, haha no way, never in a million years would you help me. You probably did this as a dare and after it is finished, you are going to throw me out like dirt. I know you Jungkook, you would never help someone like me." I starred at him. " Listen none of what you said is true, I would help someone like you, it just has to be the right person and this isn't a dare, you have to remember I kind of rule over my friends, im the boss of them." He raised up on of his eyebrows. "Exactly, you rule over them, so what you say goes, when you say beat someone, they do it, like me."

"Taehyung listen to me, I know I did horrible things to you, I know you didn't deserve any of it but....I didn't want to do it." He looked at me confused." What do you mean you didn't want to do it?" I took a deep breath before I said what I was going to say."I only bullied you because it was the only way I could hold in my emotions and feelings." He looked more confused than he already was after I said what I said. "I'm confused, what emotions? What feelings?" I was starting to get frustrated. "I LIKE YOU TAEHYUNG DAMN, CAN'T YOU EVER TAKE A HINT." I realized I yelled him and I felt guilty." T-taehyung, im sorry I didn't mean to yell at you, I just got." he nodded in forgiveness. he didn't say anything. "Taehyung please say something." I think I broke him."Y-you like m-me?" I nodded in response and he smiled but it wasn't a full smile." I like you Taehyung, I've liked you since the first day I saw you, but I was scared of my feelings, I have never liked a guy before, I was already questioning myself over my sexuality and when you arrived it made me more confused. I was angry at myself so I took it out on you, I'm sorry."

Taehyung's p.o.v

I was speechless, I didn't know if I should believe him yet. "A-are you serious?" He nodded. "I don't believe you, you need to prove it." What he did next caught me off guard. He kissed me and it was deep, I kissed back. "J-jungkook?"

"Um?". "I l-like you too." He was shocked at my words."Really?" I just nodded. He smiled and it looked real, that was the first time I have ever seen him smile.

Jungkook's p.o.v

I actually smiled and that is new for me, I only do those stupid little smirks. "You look like a bunny when you smile". Taehyung said giggling. I looked down shy.
"Jungkook why did you help me if you hated liking me, you should of left me there, after all it was you that made it happen?" My smile turned into a frown. "Because it hurt me to see you like that, I know this happened to you so many times and I was my fault but I was never there."

"Why haven't you ever been there, you obviously wanted it to happen, they are your friends, so they were told you to do this." *sigh*

"Taehyung listen, yes I told them to do it but I was never there because I didn't want to see you like this, like the way you are now, weak."

"What do you mean? I am always weak, I just never really show it."

"Why are you weak, did I make you this way?" He looked at me with a nervous look.

"No, it was someone else, I was hurt in the past, that's all."

"Who, you want to talk about it?"

"*sigh* Ok, I will tell you this, but please don't tell anyone ok, I have never told anyone this before." I nodded and let him continue.

4 years ago
Day of parent's death

I was sleeping when I was woken up by screaming from the other room. Of course it was my parents, they fight a lot, I am just waiting until they leave each other and my dad to take us with him because my brother Jin and I are not going with our mom, she is a really bad alcoholic, when she's drunk she hurts my me and my Jin, my dad is never home for it so telling him will never work he would never believe us even if I show him the bruises.

I got out of bed and walked towards my door, I opened it to see my mom yelling at my father and hitting him. "Mother stop it!" She stopped and looked at me."Shut the hell up Taehyung go back to sleep, this is non of your business." She yelled at me.

"Mom calm down." She looked at me a slapped me, making fall on the ground. My father grabbed her arm to prevent her from hitting me again. Jin ran in looking at me then our parents. "What the hell is going on, Tae are you ok!?" He ran and helped me up. What our mother did next shocked us. She pulled out a gun and pointed it at me and then our father. "Woah, woah mom what hell are you doing? Put the gun down.....Please!" Jin said with a terrified tone. She didn't listen, she pulled the trigger while it was pointing it at.......My father.
"D-DAAAAAAD!!" I screamed at the top of our lungs. She pointed at Jin but didn't shoot. "Don't come near me!" She shot herself. "MOOOM!"

End of flashback

"Jin has been taking care of me ever since, I can never get that visual out of my head. When your friends would beat me all I can see was my mother hurting me or calling me disgusting names." A tear fell down Taehyung's cheek. Now knowing this made me feel like a bigger asshole." I'm so sorry Taehyung, I didn't know." he looked at me and laughed sadly." It is ok, it isn't like you would think of this, my mom killed my father then herself, who would think of that?....Right no one because it is one out of a million, but my parents just happened to be that one and a million." He smiled but I could tell it was fake. I put my hand on his cheek and rubbed my finger on his lips. "Don't smile, I know you are not in a positive mood. You are sad right now, don't hide it from me." He looked at me we were looking into each other's eyes. "It is kind of hard not to, you are my bully after all." I looked at him, I felt guilty. "I promise that will stop, I want to make everything right." He nodded but J could tell he didn't believe me. "Hey, look at me, I promise." He looked at me. "Are y-you sure, you really
p-promise?" I hummed in response, he had a little smile. "Taehyung?"
"Y-yes". "can I k-kiss you" his eyes widened but he nodded. I smashed my lips against his, surprisingly he kissed back. After a few minutes of kissing I backed away." I will take care of you for now on, ok?"

"Ok." He answered with his cute box smile.

I don't really know where this story is going to go yet, I am making this story short maybe like 10 or even less chapters, it just depends. I hope you enjoy and I purple you.

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