♧ That's Enough!! ♧

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Taehyung's p.o.v

All throughout the lession Jungkook was staring at me, it was freaking me out and making me uncomfortable.. I think I really pissed him off.

After school

The whole day I was trying to avoid Jungkook as much as possible so maybe I wouldn't see him after school so I don't get my ass beat again. And of course that didn't happen cause he so happened to be waiting out side of the school with his friends. When I saw him, we made eye contact and he smirked, that isn't good.

I tried to run passed him but he grabbed my waist causing shivers to ho down my spine." Where do you think your going cupcake?" I turned and looked at him disgusted.

"Don't ever call me that, just ew." His smirk turned serious. "Make me" his grip had gotten harder and very painful."ah....ah....ah stop.stop.stop ah" A tear of pain rolled down my cheek.

"I would shut that pretty mouth of yours up." Did he just call my mouth pretty.Fuck I'm blushing.

He let go of my waist but then grabbed my arm very tightly and dragged me to the back of the school with his friends following behind him.

He threw me down on the ground, causing me to groan in pain. "Have fun boys." He said chuckling but his chuckle was abnormal, it sounded different,It sounded sincere.

Jungkook's p.o.v

I watched my friends Yoongi, Jimin and J-hope beat up Taehyung, this is actually the first time I have been present why they beat him up. Yes I have punched him or pushed but just walking through the halls or walking to class. I have never really "beat" him.

I could hear his cries, his groans and his cries for us to stop. I have to admit it was breaking my heart. He was starting to get quiet, Jimin stopped looking like his guilty self and Yoongi and J-hope were still beating him up.

My mind is telling me to let them finish, but....my...heart says to help him because I do like him. Everyone thinks I'm this straight jackass but I'm not, I'm a jackass and a bully because I know I am gay, I bully people to try to forget it and fight it. I have stopped bullying others when Taehyung was new at our school, the first time he walked through those doors to the school I knew I liked him and I hated it, I don't want to like him, I don't want people to know.

I had to stop them I can't keep doing this."Ok guys that's enough" they didn't listen to me. " guys I said that's enough!" I kind of got angry. They stopped and looked at me. "Dude why such a party pooper, we always stop when he passes out, we were so close haha" I pushed Yoongi hard to wall." I said that is enough asshole." I started to walk away until Yoongi spoke again. " What is up your ass today Jungkook, your sticking up for that gay shithead, beating him up was way better when you weren't present." He then walked away with J-hope and Jimin following behind him.

I turned and looked at Taehyung, he was trying to get up but kept failing, he was groaning pain. He finally got up but he couldn't keep his balance. He was going to fall but I was able to get to him before he hit the ground.He flinched and tried to get away from me but my grip was strong.

"Please don't hurt me anymore." He had tears in his eyes, that made me have a lot of guilt and it kind of made me want to cry also.

"I'm not going to hurt, don't worry it I ok." He looked at me shocked.

"Y-our n-not?" I shook my head no.

"Wow Jeon Jungkook is actually help in the one he calls a fag, ugly, retarded, and just plain out annoying, wow so unexpected *groaning in pain*."

"Keep talking and I won't help you" he chuckled. "What is so funny?" I asked quite annoyed.

"that was the Jungkook I know, the asshole *chuckle*."

"HEY! I'm not always an asshole, I could be nice if I wanted to."

"Well I have never seen it so I doubt it." I just rolled my eyes, I need to get everything fixed with him."come on let's get you to my house and get that blood cleaned up."

"N-no, how do I know you are not going to murder me and then throw me into a river to hide the evidence?" I widened my eyes and then chuckled.

"What is so funny, this is a serious matter." He pouted, I really do want to kiss that pout away. No Jungkook, keep your cool.

"nothing, just chilling, you will be fine. If I was going to murder you I would of let my friends finish you off so I wouldn't get my hands dirty." He widened his eyes. "Haha I'm just kidding you are fine haha, come on" he nodded.

He tried to get up but fell, I cought him of course." Woah, woah calm it you just got beat, take it slow."

"Yeah because of you and your friends"

"Ok and I'm helping you aren't I" he nodded. "I still don't trust you
Jungkook." I nodded. "That is ok.....for now."

"What do you mean for now." I chucked, I can really get this boy worried can't I."nothing just come on.

I picked him up bridal style, he gasped in surprise. "Um Jungkook ca-"

"Your fine come on, it is a long walk to my car from here so I don't want you hurting while we walk over there."


"Why are you stuttering" I looked down at him because he didn't answer but he was asleep, oh my god he is so beautiful. Jungkook stop, you can't.

We got to my car and I put Taehyung in the car and buckled him up, then I got in on the driver side and drove to my house. I looked at Taehyung a couple times while driving. God he is so adorable asleep. "I'm sorry for what I have done to you Taehyung, this is just so hard for me to deal with my feelings in a better way, I'll fix this I promise."

Hi again, this sucks I know but it is what it is. Hope you try to enjoy it. I live you guys. 💜💜

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