♧ What Did You Do To Me!? ♧

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Taehyung's p.o.v
8:00 p.m.
Jungkook's party

I was getting ready for Jungkook's party when I got a text from him.


Hey baby are coming?

Taetae 🐯

Yeah I'm getting ready now, I'll be there soon, don't worry.

Kookie 🍪

Ok baby, I'll see you when you get here, love you ❤️

Taetae 🐯
Ok, love you too.

I am not ready for tonight, there are going to be a lot of drunk teens and there is no telling what there minds will tell them to do.

I finished getting ready and grabbed my car keys and headed out to Jungkook's house.

*Few minutes later*

I arrived at Jungkook's house, there were maybe hundreds of people here and all of them are from our school. "Oh! Hey Tae over here." I heard Jungkook call my name and motioning him to come over to where he was. I walked over to him and he hugged me.

"Hey baby, having fun yet?" I hugged him back and kissed him on the cheek." Now that I am with you yeah." I said smiling and he smiled back. "Hey Taehyungie what's up?" Jimin asked with a huge smile on his face. "I'm good Chimchim and you?" I call Jimin Chimchim, that is my nickname for him. " Doing good, here drink this." He handed me a shot, with god knows what.

I grabbed it and drank it. "God damn, what the hell is this *cough*, my throught hurts like hell!" Jimin and Jungkook laughed at my reaction. "Haha it is vodka, have you ever drank before?" I was still coughing from the burning sensation from the vodka. "*Cough" n-no, never." Jimin and Jungkook dramatically gasped. "Wow, tiger here has never drank before!" I glared at Jungkook. " Well your going to now, so have some fun." Jimin said tapping my back before walking over to Yoongi, which was glaring at me the whole time.

"Jungkook, does Yoongi still not like me?" He drank a shot and then looked over at me. "I don't know, he doesn't like anyone, the only one he seems to like to be around is Jimin." I nodded then realizing something. "Wait, I only seem to see Yoongi stare at me if I'm around Jimin, does he maybe like Jimin?" Jungkook thought for a minute before speaking. "That could he possible since he is bi, but I don't know." I gasped and hit Jungkook on the arm. " So two non straight guys were bullying me, and it was because I am gay, wow."

"Actually three, Jimin is gay, and I didn't find out about their sexuality until we became friends." I nodded.

Jungkook and I were flirting and talking while drinking until some of his other friends called for him. " Oh baby I have to go for a sec, are you going to be alright by yourself?" I nodded and he also nodded. "Ok don't get lost in the huge crowd." We both chuckled and he left.

I was sitting alone until the person I didn't want to even see came up to me. "Hey there, what is your ass doing here?" I looked and glared at him. "Jungkook invited me Jackson, why do you care?" He laughed and got closer to me. "And why would he do that?"

"Uh because I'm his boyfriend and he wanted me to come duh." He looked shocked. "So now the slut is dating Jungkook now, huh." I glared at him again, he was getting closer to my face. "I'm not a slut, shut the hell up." He chuckled again and ordered a drink. "Ok, then this is my apology." I rolled my eyes and looked away. "I don't want your stupid apology Jackson." He glared at me. "You know, you are feisty for a weak bitch."

"Shut up Jackson, I'm not a bitch." He smirked at me. "Drink this and maybe I'll stop staying shit." I groaned and grabbed it and drank it. "There you happy?" He looked satisfied after I drank it. "Not just yet, I will he in three two on--" before he could finish his sentence I fell to the ground, I felt really dizzy. "What did you do to me!?"

"Oh, just a little drug that will made you dizzy and make you not be able to move a muscle for a while." He started laughing and smirking. He picked me up and started walking upstairs.

"This will be fun!"

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