♧ I'm Not Ready ♧

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Jungkook's p.o.v

I woke up rolling around, I sat up and looked at the most beautiful person laying down next to me. Taehyung was still sound asleep, I found it quite adorable.

"Tae wake up." I heard a groan and he turned around to face me." I don't wanna, I want to sleep." He pouted and I chuckled at his cuteness. "I'm sorry baby but you have to, I got to get ready for school and I want a goodbye kiss." He looked at me confused. "What do you mean you? I go to school too you know."

"I just thought you wouldn't want to come today after what happened yesterday night." Taehyung sat up and hugged me putting his head in the crook of my neck." I don't want to be alone and I can't just not go to school." I hugged him tight and nodded.

"Are you sure baby, you don't have to and if you don't want to be alone I can stay with you, I hate school anyways." He shook his head 'no'. "No, I want to." He got up from the bed. "Wait, I don't have clothes." I got up going to my dresser opening it to get some clothes for Tae." You can wear mine babe, here." I handed him a grey t-shirt with black skinny jeans that had rips at the knees. He thanked me and went into the bathroom to change.

Taehyung walked out of the bathroom with my clothes on, he looked smoking hit in them. "Wow, babe you look.....hot" he blushed at my words, I walked over to him, wrapping my arms around his waist only to be pushed lightly away. "What's wrong, did I do something?" He shook his head before looking down.

"N-no, it is just I don't feel comfortable being t-touched on my lower body,I'm not ready to just be touched." I was going to ask why but I then I got what he meant. "Ok baby, I'm sorry." He smiled to assure that it was ok.

"Come on, we have to go now or we are going to be late." Tae said walking out of my room to the front door, I followed. We got in heading to the
hellhole people call school.

I'm sorry this was really short but I don't really have time to right yet so when I got the time I wrote a little chapter for ya'll. I thought this story was going to be short like, 10 chapters but I was wrong it is going to be way more that, but I hope you are enjoying this story so far.

If you read my first book, thank you, I can't believe how many reads I have on the book, I didn't think I would get any but it is like at 300 and I am so happy, I was wondering if you would like a sequel of my first book, leave a comment if you do. This story is at 100 already and I can't believe it. Thank you guys so much, I purple you. 😭😊💜💜💜😇

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