♧ HELP!! ♧

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Taehyung's p.o.v

Jackson brought me to a bedroom upstairs, he threw me on a bed, he was right, I can't feel anything from my shoulders down, the only thing I can move is my head.

"Jackson what are you doing, let me go." He was walking closer me smirking. " Im wondering how your Jungkook would feel if I messed with his baby." I widened my eyes at his words. "Jackson please, please let me go please!" He shook his head getting on top of me. He started rubbing hands all over my body and me not being able to stop him made me panic.

"Jackson GET OFF OF ME!" I yelling and screaming, wanting to get of me."HELP ME, SOMEBODY HELP ME!" No one was upstairs so Jackson had an advantage, and the music was playing really loud so no body could hear me.

"Oh, calm down pumpkin, you will feel good real soon." His words made me want to die. He started to unbotton my shirt, when he was finished with that he went to my pants. " AHHHHH GET OFF *SOB* OF MEEEEE!!" I was screaming for my life

"Shut up, do you want it to get worse, I shut that slut mouth of yours up." I was sobbing nonstop, this was really the worst day of my life.

Jungkook's p.o.v

After I was done talking to my friends I went back to Taehyung, but he wasn't where I left him. I went to Jimin and asked him where he might be. "Hey Jimin, do you know where Taehyung is?" He looked at me confused.

"No, I thought he was with you?" I shook my head no. "Didn't you go upstairs with him?" I was a little confused. "No I went and talked to a couple of my friends and told Taehyung to stay by the bar, but when I came back he wasn't there and what do you mean go upstairs with Taehyung?"

"Yeah, I saw Taehyung being carried upstairs and I thought it was you who took him up there, he didn't look ok too he looked kind of limp and out of it." I widened my eyes. "What do you mean limp, how limp?" He looked really concerned.

"Um I don't know, like he couldn't move or something." I cursed under my breath. "What did the person look like?" Jimin shrugged. "Um he looked like you of course, he might if been a little taller that you now that I think of it and he had darker hair too." After his description, I knew exactly who Jimin was talking about. "FUCK........NO,NO,NO!" I ran towards the stairs. " Jungkook what is going on bro." Yoongi asked following me, and Jimin was following Yoongi.

Taehyung's p.o.v

" *Sob* p-please stop" Jackson took of my pants and boxers and thrusted into me causing me to loose my breath, I couldn't breath. "AHHHHH STOOOOOOOPPPPPP *SCREAM*"

"Fucking shut up you whore, your too fucking loud ugh." After his words he thrusted harder. I started coughing and I coughed up blood.

Jungkook's p.o.v

Jimin, Yoongi, and I ran upstairs, both Yoongi and Jimin were still confused on why I was acting like this. "Where the fuck is he!?"

"Jungkook what the hell are you talking about, I'm confu-- *SCREAM* Before Yoongi could even finish his sentence we heard a loud scream and I could tell it was Taehyung. "Shit!" I slammed the door open revealing motherfucking Jackson raping Taehyung.

Jimin and Yoongi ran in and froze in shock. "Holy fuck!" Yoongi said looking at the sight. I ran and grabbed Jackson and threw him to the ground. He started laughing. "You finally decide to show up, well it is too late look!" I looked over at Taehyung and he looked passed out, blood on his mouth and on the bed. " Oh, no Taehyung, Taehyung baby, wake up please." I ran over too him started caressing his cheek while shaking him. He woke but didn't move. "Kookie I c-c-cant m-m-move." He sounded dead but obviously he wasn't.

Yoongi and Jimin went after Jackson, beating his ass. "I'm so sorry Taehyung, I'm so sorry." My eyes started getting teary and the tears started talking. "JIMIN GO AND GET EVERYONE TO FUCKING LEAVE NOW!" Jimin nodded and ran down stairs.

Yoongi was still beating up Jackson. "Yoongi get that fuck head out my house. Yoongi nodded picking him up by his collar and dragging him out. "I covered Taehyung's limp naked body and picked him taking him to my room.

I grabbed clothes and them on him and put him in my bed, I was caressing his cheek. "Taehyung I'm so so sorry this happened to you, I shouldn't of left you alone with all these people, I should of stayed with you." I started crying, I was waiting him sleep, he passed out from he pain.

Yoongi and Jimin came in and told me that they finished getting everybody out and getting the bastard out of the house. I nodded, I told them to leave and they understood.

I went and laid by my baby and held him so tight, crying, this is my fault. After a while I fell asleep.

This one was sad wasn't it, I'm sorry if it made you uncomfortable, it was not my intention. 💜💜💜

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