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Jungkook's p.o.v

Yoongi and I were talking to each other about him and Jimin "Taehyung really did help you haha" I was cracking up I stopped laughing when I was hit in the arm. "Ow!" I looked at an angry Yoongi but he was blushing, that is new.

"Shut up, yes he did and I am grateful but it was awkward when we talked because Tae decided to be a jackass and ask us the question when we were literally standing next to each other." I started laughing again, this is amazing Tae made Yoongi feel awkward, that never happens.

"Well, maybe you should thank Tae when we see them again." Yoongi glared at me but then nodded, sparking of My baby, where is he?

"Where are they anyways?" Yoongi shrugged, he didn't know either. "I saw them walk towards the roof, they might be there." Yoongi stated, I nodded and we walked towards the roof.

*Time skip*
Taehyung's p.o.v

I tried to punch Jackson again but someone grabbed my hand. It was one of Jackson's friends, he started to twist my hand, making me groan from the pain, why am I so stupid, I should of known this would happen, I never get the glory.

Jackson's friend grabbed my other arm and held them behind my back, another one of his friends kicked me in the stomach making me fall a little bit.

"It is funny that you thought you can beat me, you got your little moment but it is my turn." He punched me in the face and blood started dropping from my nose." If you would shut your damn mouth that night you little boyfriend wouldn't of found out and we would had more fun haha" he smirked while laughing evily.

A tear fell down my face, I was praying in my head for Jungkook to come and save the day again. "Stop your damn crying, it's annoying." He punched me again, I tried to escape but my arms were being blocked by his friends. I could hear Jimin telling at Jackson to let me go, he was being punched by the friend that was still with him.

"I tried standing, failed, tried freeing my arms, failed. "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT FROM ME, YOU ALREADY TOOK THE MOST IMPORTANT THING THAT I HAD. WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT NOW!!" He started laughing again making me cringe, his laugh was evily and scary.

"I want you isn't that obvious haha." I started laughing wickedly. "Haha not going to happen, I belong to Jungkook, he actually cares for me, he isn't a rapist like the man standing in front of me." My words made him mad, he started getting red as a tomato showing he was angry.

He punched me again, this time in the stomach and it caused me to cough up blood. "YOU ARE SO FUCKING STUPID HE DOESN'T FUCKING LOVE YOU, HE JUST WANTS YOUR FUCKING BODY, JUST LIKE I DO, NO ONE WILL REALLY LOVE YOU TAEHYUNG, NO ONE!"


Jungkook's p.o.v

He we're walking up to the door to the roof, before we could open it we heard yelling. We were going to walk away because we didn't want to get into people's business until we heard someones name.


"SHUT UP, SHUT UP, YOUR LYING!" I ran through the door hearing Jackson yell Taehyung's name and hearing Tae yell back.

I saw Two of Jackson's holding down Taehyung and one of them holding Jimin against the roof. "Get the hell off of them!" Jackson and Taehyung look over at me. I looked at Taehyung, he was crying, I could see he was pain.

"Oh, Jungkook you want to join the fun!?" Jackson said smirking. I glared at him "no thanks, now get the hell off of my boyfriend!" I said with gritted teeth. The two friends let go of Taehyung and so did the one holding Jimin. "What the hell are you doing, don't fucking let go of him!"

"Sorry dude but I'm not risking getting my ass beat by Jungkook." One of his friends said and they walked way and left the roof top. I smirked because no one can protect Jackson now. But before I could even get near Jackson, Taehyung got to him first. He grabbed his collar and started punching him to death.

I have never seen this side of him before. He wasn't stopping. "Woah, Taehyung he's done, you can stop now." He wouldn't stop, if I don't stop him, he is going to kill him.

I ran over and grabbed Taehyung. He started yelling, trying to escape me to get to Jackson. "Tae baby, stop he already passed out." He finally stopped trying to escape me and turned around and wrapped his arms around my neck bringing me into a tight hug and started crying.

"Shh, it is ok, I'm here baby, don't worry."

Well, Taehyung snapped 😂

I hope you enjoyed this chapter,make sure to like and comment, I purple you 💜💜

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