♧ What Do You Mean By That!? ♧

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Taehyung's p.o.v

Jungkook and I became friends or friends with benefits or bo-- idk I'm still confused on all of this. His friend Suga still doesn't like me but his other friend Jimin and I became kind of close we hang out if Jungkook isn't with me but Suga Everytime he looks at me glares it kind of scares me at some points.

I told Jin about everything with Jungkook and what happened, he was mad me for a few moments but told me just to be careful, Jungkook could be playing with me. But I don't think that, I really think he changed.

Everyone hates me even more now because I hang out with Jungkook. He told everyone to leave me alone but they never listen.

I was walking the Halls of my school when I was pushed into a locker. I turned and it was Jackson, he is the replacement of Jungkook, he bullies me now since no one else does, they are too scared to, Jungkook would beat their ass, he told them that himself. But Jackson isn't scared of him one bit.

"What you up to slut, I see your new savior isn't here to help you today." I looked at him with a glare. "Leave me alone Jackson." He raised an eyebrow. "What makes you think I will, I don't want to." He grabbed me by my collar and threw against the locker. "You know he is just using you, he does that to everybody and I was one of them." I looked at him in confusion. "What do you mean by that." He released a little chuckle. "Jungkook is a playboy, your his friend with benefits right." My eyes widened. " U-uh I-I." He grabbed my shoulders." I'll take that as a yes, he does that to everyone he becomes "friends" with, he plays with them a little and just dumps them like trash, Jungkook thinks everyone thinks that is normal, but everyone knows he is gay or bi or whatever but people are too scared of him to care. He is going to leave you soon,you are just for his desires, don't get to close to him Taehyung." He pushed me into the lockers again and left.

Was that really the truth , is he really using me for his needs or desires? I started walking again until I heard Jungkook yell for me.

" Tae, Taehyung wait." , I couldn't control myself, true or not I was pissed. "Are you using me?" He looked at me shocked. "What?" I angry because he didn't answer me. "I said ARE YOU FUCKING USING ME, JUST FOR YOUR DESIRES, YOU JUST THOUGHT YOU CAN USE ME AND THROW ME OUT LIKE A PIECE OF TRASH!" He looked more shocked because I yelled at him. " No, Tae who told you these things, I would never." To this point I was crying. "Really, really, I seem to remember like a week ago you used me everyday *sob*, you used me for your personal fucking punching bag!" He tried to walk closer to me but I stepped back.

"Tae please, I promised to protect you from now on, and that wasn't a lie, I swear. I said I liked you and I meant it." He had tears in his eyes, what if he didn't and I yelled at him for no apparent reason.

"Than what about Jackson, you fucking used him and you did the same you are doing with me, you guys were friends with benefits and I guess we are too, you threw him out. Are you going to do the same to me!" Jungkook looked confused.

"What are you talking about, I never even got close to Jackson, I hate that jackass. Tae I like you I'm not using you, I promise." He got close to me and grabbed my hands. I flenched a little bit. "I don't want to throw you out Taehyung. I am so sorry if you felt this way." I was crying. "Jungkook please don't lie to me, Jackson told me himself." His grip hardened on my hands.

"He touched you again, where is that asshole." He tried to go find him but I grabbed him. "Jungkook please stop, No violence." He looked at me concerned. " Taehyung, if he did something to you again, I'm not going to let him get away with it." I smiled a sad smile. "Just pushed me against the locker and he just...." He looked impatient. " Taehyung what else did he do?" I put my head down before I spoke again." He told me things....like you using him." He became serious. " Taehyung don't believe that asshole, he lied to you, I promise I didn't do anything to him. Do you believe me?" It took a few seconds but I nodded.

"Ok good." He hugged me deeply and I hugged back. " Tae?" I hummed as a response. "W-will you be my b-boyfriend?" I froze at his question. "Really?" He nodded and I smiled. "Y-yes I would love to be your boyfriend." He smiled his bunny smile and kissed me deeply and then hugged me again. The bell rang to go home. "Hey I'm having a party tonight at my house, would you like to come?"

"Sure, why not" he smiled and I smiled too. "Ok, well the party starts at 8:00." He grabbed my hand and intertwined his with mine. " Would you like a ride home?" I nodded and we walked to his car.

*Time skip*

We got to my house. "Bye Tae." He leaned in and kissed me. "Bye Kookie, see you tonight." He nodded and kissed me again and I left.

I waved goodbye until he left and I went into the house.

I hope you are enjoying this story so far, a new chapter will be out soon. I purple you!! 💜💜

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