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Taehyung's p.o.v

Kookie and I arrived at school and right when we walked through the door Jimin ran and hugged me, making me jump. He stopped and looked at me confused and concerned.

"What's wrong Take, did I do something wrong?" I shook my head no making him sigh in relief. "No, it's just I'm not used to the touching yet right now." He nodded in understandment. "Well I'm happy you are ok."

"Jimin, where is Yoongi?" Jungkook said while looking around. "Oh, he is trying to cool off in the restroom." Jungkook and I looked at Jimin confused. "Cool off from what?" Jungkook and I said in unison.

"Well he kind of saw Jackson while we were walking over too our lockers and he was going to kind of rip his head off but I stopped him and told him to go cool off." Jungkook nodded but I just stood still. I didn't think he would be here today, he has balls. "Tae baby are you ok?" I didnt notice Jungkook talking until he caressed my cheek, making me flinch. "Baby, you know Im not going to hurt you, calm down ok, it is going to be ok. Now what's wrong?" I looked down for a minute before speaking.

"J-jackson, he i-is h-here?" Jungkook caressed my cheek again but this time I was calm, it soothed me. "Baby, don't worry as long as I'm here he won't go near you." I nodded calming a little. "Ok, come on let's get to class before we're late." I nodded following Kookie and Jimin. We met Yoongi on the way and he did something that took me by surprise.

He hugged me. "Oh thank God your ok, have you seen him yet, I'll beat his as-" before he could finish his sentence I interrupted him. " Yoongi chill, no he hasn't and did you just hug me, I thought you hated me?" He looked at me kind of shocked. "Why would I hate, I don't hate you and that is a shocker because I hate everybody, I actually care about a lot, well not as much as Jimin but your up there." His words made me smile. But wait he likes Jimin more than me, was Jungkook right, does he like Jimin? "Oh well that's good but I have a question for you." He nodded for me to continue. "Do you like Jimin?" He widened his eyes. "W-what pff n-no" that made me chuckle because I knew he was lying Jungkook was right.

"I can tell your lying Yoongi and now Jimin do you like Yoongi?" Jimin froze but then his cheeks because a light pink color. "Y-yes." I smiled I might of just helped some people. "Ok, now you figure out what you can do with that, Kookie and I have to go to class so have fun." I smiled wickedly and grabbed Kookie and walked away before Yoongi can kill me because he is already glaring at me like he is. "NOW I HATE YOU!" I chuckled still running.

"Your evil Tae" Jungkook said chuckling. "I know." I simply said smiling. We finally got to our first period sitting in our desks. Now Kookie doesn't sit so far away from me anymore, he sits next to me. Everytime we would walk into the classroom everyone would glare at me, but I just shook it off because they just didn't like me and Kookie together, they thought I ruined his reputation but kookie always tells me it helped his reputation, not ruin it.

*Time skip*
After first period
Taehyung's p.o.v

We got out of first period, we were walking through the halls. We were waiting for Yoongi and Jimin by their lockers like we always do, we saw them coming but Jimin was blushing and Yoongi was smirking (weird 😂) "Taehyung I need to talk to you like now alone." I think my plan worked.

He took me up to the roof pulling my arm. "Yo Jimin slow down your hurting my arm." He automatically let go but we were already on the roof. He hugged me again but I didnt flinch this time. "Thank you, thank you." He did really fast. " Is this about what I said to you and Yoongi earlier?" He nodded pulling away. "We talked and then he kissed me and asked me out, so thank you for doing that." I smiled at his adorableness.

"Your welco- *BOOM*" before I could finish my sentence we heard a loud boom, it sounded like someone slammed the door open. We looked over at the door of the room. It was Jackson and three of his friends. I started to shake remembering the scenes that happened last night.

"Hey guys what you up to." He had a smirk on his face walking towards us. "Take care of the short one, I'll take care of the cutie. "Don't fucking touch him Jackson!" Jimin said earning a punch in the stomach by his two friends. "Keep talking and you get more."

"I'm not scared of you asscrack" he got punched again but this time it was in the face. "Keep talking shorty." Jimin was about to speak again but I stopped him. "Shut the hell up Jimin." Jackson had a smirk. "So how are you cupcake, is your ass ok?" I gritted my teeth, I was kind of surprised at my attitude. "Don't fucking call me that, and my ass is fucking fine, didn't feel anything." He walked closer to me.

"I doubt that." I don't know what took over me but I punched him straight in the face. Every single person including me raised our eyes at my action. "You bitch!" Jackson punched me back, I stumbled a little but got my balance.

I don't know what is happening but something in my body snapped. I started punching him again and not stopping.

So this one is longer. Yay! So it is summer now so that means I get time to write now. So you are going to get chapters more often then they have been uploaded. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. 💜💜💜

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