"Stranger"| Melvin

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Y/h/c = your hair color


Today was the same as any other day.

People were hungry, people were tired, people were dying, and the dead was still walking.

You awoke tired as ever. Today was going to be a good day.

Or that's what you kept telling yourself. Although everyday was the same as the others, Scavenge, Hunt, Survive. You had gotten used to your routine.

You hated what had turned into the world, but in a way you liked it. You liked the thrill.

When you got out of bed from after your nap, you grabbed clothes and undergarments for a shower.

After you had showered and dragged a brush through your y/h/c hair. Pulling it up into a high ponytail.

You walk outside of your of your tiny cabin into the night cold wind.

Soon noticing that nobody was around you started to wonder where everyone had gone. They surely weren't in bed, Madison was always up late making sure the perimeter was clear of walkers.

The only place you could think they would be was the front gate, so you started to trot on that way.

When you came across all of them standing with there guns at ready, front gate wide open.

You obviously had no idea what was going on, but you had a pretty good guess that it wasn't going to turn out well.

Looking over Alycia's shoulder, you see strangers, and Madison was out there talking to them.

"What's going on?" You croak out. Now realising you probably should've gotten water for your thirst.

"We don't know. They just showed up!" Nick replied not daring to take his eyes off the new mysterious people.

You look at Strand to see his water flask around his neck. "Strand, do you have water?" You ask gently.

"Yeah. Here." He passes his flask over to you.

"Thanks!" You mumble, twisting the cap off and drinking some of it.

After you were done you hand it back to him diverting your gaze back out to the new people.

"Someone should go out there." Alycia mumbled. "Not me!" You mumbled back instantly.

As if God hadn't heard your request, everyone looks at you with that 'Go out there now' look in there eyes.

"Wait, why me?" you complained.

"Because your a good talker?" Alycia mumbles.

"And listener!" Nick says smugly.

"Plus you don't get mad or freak out!" Luciana points out.

"I freak out!" You interject.

Luciana looks you over as if she was searching for any weakness shown on you. "We could get killed right now... and You look pretty calm to me." Was her reply.

"What the actual fu-" You stop knowing you won't win arguing with these people.

You sigh and start walking out the front gate regretting this already.

Getting closer you hear bits a pieces of what they were saying.

"You should tell Nick, to check the rest of his crops too because. The weevils are a bitch to get rid of!" Mysterious man said.

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