"Pain you caused"| Nick Clark

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Nick had run off again, Because he's deranged.

You sigh loudly as if anyone was there or actually wanted to hear you rant about how stupid your boyfriend was.

You, Alicia, Ofelia, Strand, and Maddie had been traveling back to The Abagail. With a few stops on the way to try and find Travis or Chris, Gosh even Nick after he walked out on us.

You we're beyond pissed and also really upset that he decided to run out on his whole family, including you. His girlfriend.

Nick had been acting out a lot recently. Which I understand, we were in an apocalypse. No whereabouts as to how this disaster happened, no whereabouts as if this disaster would end.

Even though you preyed and preyed it would. It never did, you were stupid and naive to think this would all go away.

Go back to how we were all before....

How you and Nick would go back to how you were before....

But like you said you were stupid to think such things.

Upon arriving to where we last left the Abagail, we were soon distraught to see the Abagail had been stolen.

Not that it surprised you much, the Abagail was a beautiful piece of machinery, and there were a lot of crazy people out there that would definitely try stealing a beautiful but very expensive boat.

You sighed beyond tiredness, wanting nothing more than to just lay down and sleep for a few hours.

"Y/N, were gonna collect sticks and use them to spell out Abagail missing." Alicia said pulling me out of my train of thoughts.

You nod deciding it'd be best to help.

After you and the others had finished spelling Abagail missing.

You started making your way back to the car with the rest, you just wanted to sit and close your eyes for a while.

In seconds you were off, driving who knows where.

Just as you fell into a deep slumber, you hear a loud scream coming from right next to you. It was so loud you thought you had gone deaf.

Not even thinking twice you grab your knife that was tucked securely in your boot.

Looking around you to see everyone was in fact fine, Strand had stopped the car and everyone was staring out the front window. Alicia was having a panic attack. Why??? You glance out the window to see something you never thought you'd see in a million years. Was.....



But you noticed something.

It wasn't Nick, not the Nick you knew. He had turned.

You cry out in pain.

He was gone, the love of your life!

Madison cried as Victor tried to comfort her.

Nick. Walker Nick. had walked up to the car banging his hands on Strand's driver side window.

No one made a move to do anything, Ofelia was frozen in sadness and fear.

Alicia was crying loudly, so loud it surely grabbed many nearby walkers attention.

Strand was hugging Madison comforting her, whispering sweet nothings in her ear.

Then there was you, who had made eye contact with Nick so many times already. As much as you wanted to scream, cry, shut down and tell the world to fuck off.

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