"I love you too"| Chris Manawa

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There he was, sitting on top of Madison's roof with his camera, filming what was left of the city they call Los Angeles.

You we're in love with Chris, and it was the most obvious thing in the world... Not that you'd admit to anyone when they asked if you liked him. The only person who knew of your feelings for the young teen was Alicia your best friend since middle school.

You and Chris became friends, when he was sent around to stay with his father, Travis. Although Chris would refuse, and argue he didn't want to be around Madison and her two children. He quickly learnt about you.

Being there all the time, you got to know each other fast. He didn't usually invite people into his life, he only ever kept to himself, but when he did friend someone everyone was quite shocked.

So when you somehow got Chris to open up to you, Travis was thankful. He needed a friend someone he could trust and if you could bring peace to his son, you could bring peace to his father.

Chris had been extremely sour towards everyone lately, including you. You weren't surprised when he stormed off out of the house to get away from everybody. He believed he didn't belong in this family. He'd cried to you dozens of times at night over the phone expressing that he hated his father for what he did to him and his mother. Left them for a new family.

You of course supported him through everything, but when Alicia started hearing that you hung around with Chris more than her of recently she didn't like it.

She could accept it, but didn't like it one bit so, she then grew distant from you. It was another replay of Nick. He didn't feel any other emotions for the struggling teen, and it didn't help that they despised Travis with all there passion.

But you were always there for Chris cause you could relate to him in ways that no one had before.

With a quiet sigh you knew you should check on him. So with all your might you lifted yourself onto the roof from the support of Travis's car beneath your feet.

Once up you make your way to Chris, slowly not wanting to fall and die.

"Hey!" You greet cheerfully.

"Hey.." He replied almost as if saying the one word was hard. "You okay?" You ask.

"Fine." You knew he was far from fine. "You can't lie to save yourself!" You chuckle.


'Oh he was in that kinda mood...' You thought.

"Chris talk to me!"

"What's there to talk about?" he dryly replies. You sigh knowing this is gonna be one of those conversations.

".....I know your upset, but you shouldn't blame your father!" You reply, remembering there earlier fight.

"It doesn't matter, I don't care about it anymore." Focusing on his camera and what he was filming. This was his way out, him being up here meant peace. Away from everybody! And he was only ever up here when there was something wrong.

"Chris you can lie to yourself, but don't lie to me!" You wanted a calm conversation. Perhaps you weren't going to get that.

"Why are even up here Y/-n?" He asks, anger starting to show in his eyes that he's just now made contact with yours. "Because I care Chris!! Because I'm your friend!!"

"Nobody cares, it's a load of crap and YOU of all people should know that!!" Raising his voice, was an often occurrence but he never liked using it on you.

You sigh knowing this conversation won't get anybody anywhere, so you just sit there in silence comforting the young man.

It was ten minutes later when he slowly turned to you. "I'm sorry Y/n, I didn't mean to raise my voice at you! I was just mad and I shouldn't have taken it out on the only person who really cares." he spoke so confidently while looking you in the eyes, it gave you chills.

"I'll always be here!! I love you Chris!!" You quietly say, looking down at your hands that were sweating from the absolute shock that you admitted to loving Chris.

When he took your chin softly between his rough but warm finger and tilted your head towards him, he gave you the brightest smile you had ever seen him pull.

Leaning in capturing your lips in a passionate but hungrily kiss. Pulling away slowly and grinning at your shocked face.

"I love you too Y/n"

《What did you guys think of this one? I actually liked writing this one, I'm happy with it!!》

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