"Always have, Always will"| Alicia Clark

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Summary: You were scratched trying to escape a herd of walkers, and have to get Luciana out of there to safety, before talking to Alicia and telling her you love her before you turn.

It was no secret that you and Alicia had feelings for each other, it was as obvious as a blank piece of paper. But in an apocalypse love didn't matter, so Alicia thought! You'd never have the courage to tell her your feelings, so you would hide your love for the girl behind a brick wall.

Apparently you didn't do a very good job when Strand came to you and told you, to tell her your feelings. You denied, and you declined. Ending the conversation there you would walk away and continue doing your chores.

This would happen everyday, Strand would come and try and convince you to talk to her, and when he did you'd build up your courage. But then looking at the broken girl from a few feet away and admire her beauty, you'd chicken out. How could she ever love someone like you?

Today you went out looking for supplies with Luciana like most days, but this time just so happened to not be one of your lucky days, in the midst of fighting off a herd and locking Luciana and yourself in a run down pharmacy. You looked down to your shirt feeling the warm substance drooling down your stomach, three rip marks showing noticeably in your shirt.

Pulling your shirt up to your waist seeing three scratch marks. Pain starting to kick in after the adrenaline wearing off.

You were beyond shocked, sad, scared, disappointed and confused even. All these emotions including the pain started making you dizzy and panic slightly.

You lean up against the closest wall and huff in agony. "Y/n!" Luciana calls realising your distraught. "Are you okay?"

What did you say? You didn't wanna freak her out but you didn't wanna lie and say everything was fine, you were far from fine.

Not giving it a second thought. "I'm fine Lucy!" You hide the scratches and your ripped shirt under your jacket. "We've gotta find a way out!!" You begin looking around for anyway of an exit, forgetting your pain.

Luciana frowned at you but none the less kept on looking for an exit. After searching the place, and no exit. You sighed and felt a little nauseous, "Y/n your burning up!" She puts a hand on your forehead, quickly swatting her hand away "I'm fine!!"

"No your not!!" She protests. "Sit down, and take a rest. I'll see if I can find any medicine in here." You scoff lightly. "Don't bother!" you reply.

"Sit!" She spoke, pushing you lightly to sit. Getting emotional you snap at her. "NO GODDAMNIT!! We need to get outta here!! I need to get YOU outta here!!" Your anger subsiding into pain and sadness.

"What do you mean?" She frowns concern laced in her voice. "N-n-nothing, I just have to get us outta here!" you quickly decline. You look up at the ceiling and notice a roof access.

"There!" you point up.

You and Luciana had made it up onto the roof and was getting ready to climb down at the back of the pharmacy where there was less walkers. You stop at the edge of the wall surrounding the roof.

This was it!!

"Can I have the walkie Lucy?" You spoke. "Sure!" She handed you the walkie. You sighed not mentally prepared for this. You were hopefully going to tell Alicia how you felt.

You sigh and bring it up to your mouth. "Alicia are you there? I repeat. Alicia are you there?" You were waiting for a response and after a few seconds you were sure she wouldn't reply.

You turn back to Luciana ready to give the walkie back until you heard Alicia's voice through the other end. "Y/n I'm here!!" Alicia spoke, her beautiful angelic voice you loved so much.

You ready yourself and walk a few steps away for a little privacy. "Alicia there.... There is no easy way to say this..." You huff for what feels like the hundredth time that day. Your eyes water, forcing yourself to push the tears back. "But I can't come back!!" You say, sadness in you voice. If the tears weren't falling before they are now.

"W-what do you mean? You can't come back?" Alicia said confused. "Now, Alicia I want you to listen, and listen good..." You stare at your feet for a little, before replying. "I was too scared to tell you this, even though everyone kept trying to get me to tell you!" You laugh a little thinking back on all the times Strand wanted you to tell her my feelings.

"But it's to late to tell it to you in person now so this'll have to do." You groan, feeling a wave of pain surge through your abdomen. "Y/n whatever your trying to tell me, just come home!! Then we can talk!!" Alicia says panic lacing her angelic voice.

"No, I can't. I refuse to put the rest of you in danger!!" You stare at the sun starting to set. "I-I L-Love You Alicia. Always have, Always will...."

"Please, just come home, Y/n come home to me!! Then we'll talk about this." Alicia pleaded, her voice now ringing with sadness. "I c-can't Alicia..... I'm i-in- im infected!" You cry, not getting a reply from Alicia you thought maybe she was upset, or maybe just had no words..

"I should've told you sooner, but every time I looked at you, I saw something in you that I could never see in myself... I believed that you'd never like someone like me, you deserve someone better than me!! But here I am telling you my feelings for you.. I was scared to say it before but I'm not now!!" You wipe your fallen tears away. "I love you, Alicia Clark!!"

"Where are you?" She whispered through the walkie, pain in her voice. "No, Stay away from here Alicia!! Promise me? Promise you won't come looking for my b-body after this, please?" There was a long pause of silence after this. You thought she was going to ignore you, come after you, in which you'd continue to beg her to stay away.

"I Love You Too..!!" Alicia's voice cracks over the walkie. "Always have, Always will..."

I don't know....
I like it but, I got kinda lazy at the ending although I love a good sad, dramatic ending.. But I am still figuring it all out.
But I hope you enjoyed, and
Thanks for reading!!✌

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