May I?

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I look at Tom in shock as he grinned at me with that devilish smile, that sweet but devilish smile made me warm I had past boyfriends kyle, Bryan, Micheal, Anthony but they were all humans I wonder what it would be like to date a demon.
He would probably be sweet but super protective or he could be mean and not care about me at all. Should I talk to him (say something you idiot) I screamed at myself
"H-hello my name is (y/n) I'm new here.... " I stopped and staired his eyes got bigger and his face turned a dark purple which indicated him blushing. "Aren't you just as beautiful as a magnolia in May" He said with a sweet spoken voice. I raised an eyebrow " So your into poetry I'm guessing"

"No, but I do think you would make a wonderful princess" He continued to talk about how beautiful I was I just staired at him and would smile or laugh for a couple of minutes and go back to normal all I could hear was his faint voice in the background of my racing thoughts.

I finally snapped out if it "um I never got your name! " I felt bad Interrupting him but I wanted to officially meet him.
"Oh sorry my sweet flower, my name is Tomas Lucitor, but everyone calls me Tom. "
I'm a demon from the under world I'm actually the prince of a huge black castle he started talking about himself and I listen to every single word.

Star ran up to me and Marco followed behind her (y/n) ... (Y/n) .... (Y-y/n)... They stopped and staired at me looking up and down at Tom then me then Tom and me again I felt like this went on for hours. Star shook her head in confusion like how a dog chewed a chew toy "( y/n) why are you with my ex-boyfriend?! "
"No star it's ok I'm a changed man, and (y/n) didn't know about our past history this is my fault for not telling her anything about us " Star glarred at tom then looked down in disappointment but then she said"yeah I guess your right sorry I over reacted "
" No it's ok, but I do have one question star!? " I looked behind me at Tom... Oh great he's going to ask her out, my heart sank to my feet by the thought
"Would you mind if I took (y/n) out on a date? I'm only asking cuz you guys are friends now and i wouldn't want to come between you guys"
"Actually Tom, I wouldn't mind at all "
He walked behind me slowly, as I turned around he grabbed my hand gently and asked in a sweet voice "(y/n) would you like to a company me to a date Tuesday afternoon ?"

I looked at Tom the back at star I squealed in my head (oh my god I can't believe this is happening to me, look how cute he is, look at his smile.) "S-sure" So Tuesday it is.... Yep

He held up his hand until tomorrow my love. We both blushed, as he stepped into the fire he came out of from earlier, we didn't lose eye contact until the fire covered his face. Him and the fire again vanished with nothing burnt around or under it.

Star ran up and hugged me tightly, swinging me around like a rag doll, "(y/n) you have a date on this first day of school... Look at you... " She punched my shoulder lightly and smirked a bit.

Now I have to find something to wear and do my make up right after school tomorrow.
My main problem was that I didn't know what to wear because I didn't know where we were going.

Guess I should get on to my homework, I've always been a straight A student but what if this year is different going from dimension to dimension could be a hastle and dating a demon where he could walk in on me anytime. Yeah I'm probably going to have to work extra hard this year.

Time skip to Tuesday after school

Tom's point O.V

I have never felt this way before about anyone not even star. I was getting ready for me and (y/n)'s date. Honestly I was excited to take her out I had it all planned out too. I was wearing a black suit and a black tie I did my hair, put on sunglasses, my earings, fixed the markings under my eyes with some eyeliner, I looked in the mirror checking everything making sure I looked perfect for (y/n)." Perfect now all I kneed is a flower". I sat on my bed for a minute that's it I'll give her a fire rose. Now all I have to do is go see her. I walked through the fire portal I always use, knocked on the door and (y/n) opened it and smiled... Her smile was so beautiful my soul left my body.... Well not that I have one but if u did It would of.
"Your so beautiful ... I made this for you it can't burn anything and will never die unless your feelings for me fade away. "

(Y/n) point O.V

I opened the door to see tom standing there fixing his hair then he noticed I opened the door he smiled and Started to blush his cheeks were a dark shade of purple. "Your so beautiful ... I here...I made this for you it can't burn anything and will never die unless your feelings for me fade away. " He handed me a red rose with black and white marbled on the pedals it had flames all the way around the flower, but it didn't burn me.
"Thank you so much Tom"
The flowers golden fire got bigger.
My eyes widened in such awe it was the most beautiful thing I could of received.

Time skip to the date

Me and Tom arrived at a small tree on a hill overlooking the sun set there was a bunch of food laid out ,a picnic at night....
"Wow that's a lot of food"
Anything for my beautiful princess " He said as he held me hands and kissed my forehead.
"I know that we have barely just met but I feel like I've been with you my entire life, you make me so so so happy, I only hope that you will love me forever because I know I will forever and always love you"

"Tom I don't know what to say" I know I was blushing my ears and face got hot and my heart started to race faster and faster.
He was leaning in, his lips were an inch from mine, his lips pressed against mine one hand was on my face and the other was holding him up.
I of course kissed him back.  His lips were so soft but kinda hot, not expecting that though he was a demon.

As the night got darker we laughed and looked up at the stars. "Beautiful isn't it" I asked
Tom slowly looked at me and said in a flirtatious way "yes but not as beautiful as you".
I turned red and I faced the other way.
" What you are" He chuckled a bit.

Time skip to my front door

Thanks for all the laughs and the picnic /dinner it was really thoughtful of you to do all of that and the rose... Absolutely gorgeous.
"Well for a girl like you, you deserve everything in the world". He scratched the back of his head and looked down shyly.
And another thing (y/n) would you like to be my girlfriend?

I blushed so hard and so did he, " I-i-i..... Yes yes a million times yes, I know I have barely known you but I feel like I have known you since we are kids."
"Great so it's official you (y/n) (y/l) are my girlfriend".

"Ill pick you up tomorrow my flower, ill be here at 7:30am to take you to school, I will walk you to every class, I will sit with you at lunch, i will protect you no matter what because you are my girl. "

I couldn't believe the words that came out of his mouth I expected him to be mean and non protective, but I'm dead wrong he's sweet and protective.

Good night Tommy
Good night my flower

We kissed before I went into my house and he portaled back to the underworld.

My room

I sat in bed swooning over Tom and everything he did for me today.  I eventually fell asleep to my thoughts of Tom.
I dreamt that we go married and had two little demon babies they were so cute we named them Alison and Jace.
Alison had three (color of your eyes) eyes, she had powers like her dad and had the cutest little voice and long (your hair color) hair.
Jace had two eyes like me but they were red like his dad, he was the oldest of them two, only by two years though he had red spikey hair just like Tom.
Awe my babies looked so cute.

I'm glad I had that date and I'm glad I'm with Tom. Tomorrow will be amazing wanna know why?..... Because I get to be around the people that love me the most.


That's the second chapter so hope you guys are liking it ❤

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