Blood Moon Ball (part 2) 🌙

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We headed off to the blood moon ball I was feeling nauseous and queasy but I just thought I was hungry so I brushed it off.

We arrived to his castle it was to cool, it was black and red, we walked in together.

"Let's go get a photo together"Tom yanked me sideways.
"Oh okay " I replied holding my stomach.

"I'm so excited to be covered in blood with you"

" How sweet Tom but uh is it-"

"Oh heavens no it's fake, its from a unicorn" He whispers tilting side ways.

"That's nice but I don't really want blood on me can we take the picture without it? "

"Anything for you my princess"

"Thank you baby " We smiled got our picture and walked away.

Sometime went by and were were getting tired.
So we sat at a table for awhile I ate and ate and ate more than I usually do.

After about 2 hours of being at the blood moon ball a demon spoke into a speaker.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen, I can now inform you to look sky wards while the  light of the blood moon droppes down choosing two lucky souls binding them together forever in its unique hypnotic ruby light"

I looked up "woooah" Then Tom took my hand and we started to dance and BOOM the red light hit me and Tom, we danced underneath the beautiful light then it ended.

"That was fun "

"Yeah, now our soul are forever bonded " Tom said ecstatically giving me a huge grin.

He was so handy in his black suit and tie.

The ball ended and it was time to go home he took me.

"(Y/n) I have one more thing to ask you tonight" Tom said with love in his eyes.
He kneeled down and took a small box out of his back pocket.
He opening it a huge purple and white Stone sat on the small golden ring.
"Will you (f/n) (l/n) make me the happiest demon by marrying me" My eyes filled with tears i covered my face.

"Yes!! " I screamed as I layed out my hand for him to put on the ring.
We smiled at each other.
"I know it seems fast but time works differently in Hell and Mewni. "

We walked into my room from off my balcony together we layed down I was still holding my stomach I hurt so much.
I got off the bed and ran to the toilet.
Tim came in running for me, "oh my god babe are you okay!! "

"No" I said throwing up into the toilet.

After settling down I snuck into my mom's room and took a pregnancy test.
I went to my bathroom did it and let it sit for how long it told me to on the box.
I went back my eyes welled up with tears, bursting into the room and called toms name he was laying on my bed in his boxers  watching TV.
"Tom your not going to believe this but I'm pregnant"

His eyes widened and his eyes started to water up a bit, "are you serious" He said in a whispered voice and smiled, I shook my head
"Yeah look" I held up the test "see"

"Oh my god I can't believe it I'm going to be a dad " He ran up to me picking me up and spinning me around.

"I'm gonna be a mom" I whispered.
"Being pregnant looks sexy on you "

"Oh shut up Tom" I said laughing hysterically.

Time laps

It was about 8 months and the baby was almost here, me and Tom agreed to getting married after our baby was born. We needed to have a baby shower still I couldn't wait to have my first child.
I sent out invites to everyone, sadly I dropped out of school since now I was going to be the queen of hell ruling by my handsome demon husband Tom.

Time laps

The invitations said:

Baby shower for Mr and Mrs Lucitor

Time: 2:30pm
Place: blossom st. 3479, 93519

Baby gender: Girl
Preference in colors: light pink, black, violet or gold.

VIP. (951) -420-6065 or (951) -531-1779
Hope to see you there! 🖤

I was happy that it was finally the day of the baby shower.
I got so many things I got a stroller from Mr and Mrs Diaz, I got a bunch of stuffed animals from star, a safety book from Marco (classic Diaz), gift cards, baby blankets, diapers and money... Lots and lots of money.

I thanked everyone for the stuff and had Tom clean the house I wasn't feeling good so he did it for me.
He is such a good husband

Time skip

It was December 13th it was the middle of the night when I got pains in my stomach I woke up Tom
"The baby's coming wake up hurry"
He immediately portaled me to the hospital where I gave birth to my sweet baby girl and her name was Serena (l/n) Lucitor.
She was so sweet and small she had pink hair with horns like her daddy and pointy little ears, she had roses on her cheeks and two big beautiful pink eyes with Tommy's markings.
"My little lady bug" Tom said crying his eyes out

"Wanna hold her"

"Yes please" He whipped his tears away, reached out, and held her his eyes widened looking at her beautiful little face, then he immediately started to cry again.

"She's --per-per-perfect " He sobbed.

"Awe honey come here" We walked over to me "smile" I said lifting my camera and taking a picture of my new little family.

"Let's go home" Tom said. We all went home together we put up the babies bed and fell asleep together.

"Good night Serena " I whispered kissing her forehead. "And good night my love"
I said kissing toms forehead as well.

I feel asleep on the couch with my new little bundle of joy sitting in my arms.


I wanted to add a little plot twist so there you guys go.

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