girls night part 2

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I sat next to Janna

Alright girls what do you wanna do first.

"Scary stories" Janna yelled
"Scary movie" Jackie screamed
"FOOOD" Star said throwing her hands ups up in the air and waving them side to side.

It got silent "all in favor for food say *I* "

They all threw up a hand "I"

"Okay let's go to the kitchen I prepared up some food"

Stars P. O. V

We all walked into the kitchen it was amazing there was cupcakes that (y/n) made herself, pizza boxes stacked to the roof, soda and chips that Janna brought, about 4 different flavors of ice cream, and different candies in little bowls there were skittles ( my favorite mmmmmmm!!) Oh and MnM's, and just you know different varieties of candy.

We ate so much I felt as if I was gonna pass out, now once I hit the candy I wanted to puke.

After we ate, we watched scary movies. We had popcorn and ice cream I ate strawberry mixed with Mint and chip " Mmmm minty"

Jackies P.O.V

I was so lucky to have friends like Janna, star and (y/n) I had so much fun we laughed and ate ice cream together ate a lot of pizza and chips had a soda chugging contest of course Janna won the first round there I swooped in and won the last two rounds.

I herd the door bell ring.... The room went dead silent

"I'll get it " (Y/n) said with confidence.

"Oh MY.... " She yelled went out the door and shut it. I wonder who would have been at her house at this time after all it was 11:32 at night and we were supposed to leave at 12 sooooo.

Your P. O. V

I herd the door bell ring the room went silent. I walked over to the door and opened it.
"Oh my god" I shut the door behind me, fast.
Tom baby what are you doing here I thought you were with the boys doing boys night.
"Nah it ended an hour ago Marco had a tournament and Oscar was just complaining about how tired he was so we ended it, anyways sugar plum I was gonna ask if I could sleep in your bed tonight?! "
He gave me those sad puppy dog eyes awe that face.

"Okay fine but go upstairs quietly I don't want the girls to know your here. "

"Can do beautiful" He winked and levitated to my bedroom window quietly opened it and disappeared into the house. I made sure he closed the window after he got in just because you know saftey precautions and all that.
I opened the door back up and all the girls had their eyes locked on me.

"What happened ? "
"Is everything ok ? "
"Who was it... What was it ? "

All these questions or took a deep breath and said all in one long sentence " I'm okay and all it was was aaaah a litter of kittens yes... Kittens "

" Awe really well why don't we go see them I love kitt... "

"Or umm ahh did I say kittens I meant the mail man yeah he had kittens" Hehe I scratched my head hoping they wouldn't find out the truth.

"Okay" Jackie shrugged and turned the volume of the tv back on.
The rest of the girls just turned around and continued to watch the test of the movie.

"Pheew" I wiped the sweat from my face and fixed my hair taking it down and fixing it. "Tom got it all messed up" I thought in my head but it wasn't all his fault I had part in it too.

Time skip

The time had finally came and it was time for the girls to leave we said our good byes.

They all thanked me, and I waved my good byes and shut the door, I breathed in deeply closing my eyes, luckily they helped me clean the house before leaving so everything was spot less.
" you coming to bed my fire spark"
"Coming my handsome devil" I called back

I walked up stairs to find Tom in his boxers... Man seeing those abs kinda turned me on. He had lit a bunch of red candles and the air smelt like roses and cake, or maybe I was just smelling my self I have no idea but I ran to the bed that Tom was laying on ripping off my shirt.

"I thought we were...gonna ...wait till...Sunday" He said with small pauses due to him kissing my neck.

We then proceeded to....well you know.

Some time went by:

"Call me daddy" He said as his eyes glowed red.

"Daddyyyy" I moaned in pleasure

"Yeah... Yeah... Ahh god harder daddy harder" His thrusts became harder and faster.

" (Y/n) im gonna cum"
And right when we said that he did, he rolled over both of us heavily breathing.
"Wow that was better than last time"
"Agreed" He said pulling me in he wrapped our naked bodies up in my black bed sheets, he used his powers to blow out all the lit candles and turned on the TV we watched my favorite show ( enter :what ever your favorite show is) until I feel asleep in his arms. He kissed me.

" Good night Tommy"
"Good night my love until tomorrow"

And we both dozed off.


I hope you guys are liking this book 😊😉

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