The big question

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Tom's POV

I woke up from our night together and I had a couple of surprises for (y/n) but first I had to put on my clothes. I quietly got out of bed put my clothes on and headed off.

I went down stairs quitely so I wouldn't awake my little sleeping fire spark.
I was going to make her breakfast in bed so I made her pancakes, bacon, and eggs and to top it off I made her a side of orange juice just in case she got thirsty.

I walked upstairs, opened the bedroom door and sat down the tray of food.
"My love wake up" I shook her awake.

"T-tommy" She said yawning and rubbing her eyes.

"I have a surprise for you"

"Really what is it? " She sounded excited it was so adorable.

I picked up the tray of deliciousness and presented it to her as if it were a fancy restaurant.


" That's right ....And in bed " I added

Her face lit up so bright I couldn't help but smile it made me happy to see her happy and I haven't been this happy since... Well never, I mean sure I was somewhat happy when I dated star but (y/n), I'm always so happy around her.

"(Y/n) I have one more thing would you like to go to the blood moon ball with me?
The blood moon ball only happens every 667 years. Plus when then blood moons light dropples down it chooses two lucky souls binding them together under its beautiful unique Ruby light."

Her eyes got wide... "Well what day cuz my mom and I are going to the spa today and hanging out just us girls"

" Sunday "

"Oh so the day we were supposed to.. Well you know have our fun but we did that last night so... "

"So is that a yes or what? "

It was quite for a minute, "yes I will go with you"

I was so excited I couldn't wait for Sunday maybe the light would shine on us that would be so cool.

(Y/n) POV

When Tom asked me I was actually excited to go I had my out fit planning in my head already I couldn't wait.

Time skip

Me and my mom went to the spa got a full treatment.
I was really happy to finally get some time with my mom she was so fun, I wish it could be like this all the time but sadly it couldn't be.
My heart sank at the thought because after this I won't get to see my mom until her next break which won't be for awhile.

After our spa day we got home and sat on the couch eating tacos and binge watching her favorite show (insert show) along with my dad I was so happy that the family was all here now I had one more thing to do.

I quickly ran to my room and tolled the bell tom had given to me incase I needed him or wanted him basically for anything.

Moments after I did he appeared in my room,
"You called milady" He said bowing and laughing at his corny joke.

"Follow me on have someone I'd like you to meet" I grabbed his hand and pulled him down the stairs I walked in front of the tv blocking my parents view to where they would pay attention to me and only me.

"Mother this is my boyfriend.. Thomas Lucitor " Tom smiled and waved at her nervously.

My mom got off the couch starring strait at Tom no expression on her face not even a smirk I got scared.

"Nice to meet you Mrs. (L/n)" He held out his hand waiting for my mom to shake it bit she just staired at him not a single move was made. Then all the sudden she pulled his hand in and hugged him so tight his face turned a dark dark purple.

"Nice to meet you, finally I'm so happy to see my daughter date such a handsome strong young man" She said squeezing him.

"Oh well thank you mame"

"Oh please none of that mame stuff you can call me mom or just simply kristi"

"Oh ok, mom" He put some emphasis on mom she just chuckled but finally she let go of him.

"Well he should get going it's late" I said pushing him out the door.

"Good bye" He said waving looking over his shoulder as I pushed him out the door I shit it behind me.

"Just gotta say now I know where you get your strength in hugs from" He laughed hard at the fact I was just like my mother.

"Yeah sorry bout that baby "

"For what I thought it was cool how your moms so open about it and the call me mom part wow like stars mom hated me "

"Yeah I dont blame you my past boyfriend Bryan .. Yeah his mom didn't like me either"

"Oh I just gotta do something really quick" Tom said

"And that issssss.. ? "
"This "

He pushed me but caught me right before I hit the ground he leaned in and kissed me, now this was a passionate kiss. My heart nearly melted. He had one hand holding my waist and the other supporting my head, me I had both my hands rested on his face I closed my eyes I felt like a bird flying of a rainbow in the clouds. My feet felt light until I opened my eyes and looked down me and Tom where levitating over my house I got scared and started to craw around his body so I wouldn't fall.

I was lucky to have a boyfriend like Tom he was compassionate, fun, caring, funny, sexy as hell, brave, strong, he was everything I wanted and he was all mine.

We kissed one more time finally got to the ground and parted our ways my mom like Tom and so did my dad so I was happy about that I finished watching the show with my parents went upstairs got ready for bed and fell into a deep sleep.

But then I was awoken by my bed moving a little, I looked over scared to see who or what it was, it was Tom.

"Can I sleep here again? "

"Yes, okay good night " I turn back around and went immediately back to sleep.

"Good night " He said as he kissed my head and cuddled my body.

Hello my lovely people I really hope your enjoying my story so far. ❤

Anyways I now have two books I'm writing so go check that one out as well. It's marco Diaz X reader sooo yeah
P. S because I have two books it might take longer to publish new chapters but I'll do the best I can.

P. P. S I've had some writers block so yeah I need ideas feel free to send some.
Good night my beautiful people ❤💋

Tom X reader (lemon Included) ❤😉(finished)Where stories live. Discover now