Something Wrong

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After getting the guild back, we had a lot of work to do. Almost everyone helped, however Guild Arts left before we started to do anything. It was very late now and everyone started to go home. Wendy had went home early because she said she did not feel well but I could tell she was lying. Something was wrong and I intend to find out what it was.

After saying goodbye to everyone I started back to the apartment. I suddenly got the same feeling I had when I first met the demon face to face. "Why are you here, you took over my body and I want answers", I said however instead of the demon appearing, it was the dragon. "You have done very well. You have defeated the metal dragon, Hades and even held your own against Acnologia, very impressive. However you still have much to learn", the dragon said. "Fine, What do you want to teach me?", I asked. "Well first, you need to learn to fight without your sword. You rely to much on it. That is how you almost lost the fight with Mayamoto", the dragon said.

"I'm fine for now", I said, "Right now I need to get back to the apartment and ask Wendy what is going on with her. We can talk later". I made my way down the street, leaving the dragon. I then was at the front door and made my way inside. Wendy did not say a word and kept reading her book. I sat down for a while and tried to build up the courage to ask her. "Wendy, what's wrong? You have been acting distant ever since Tenrou Island", I asked.

"Well-...", she said nervously, "It is about when I disappeared and you turned into... that.. It just... It just really scared me. I thought that you would never turn back to yourself". I walked over to her and gave her a hug. "I'm sorry Wendy, it's just.. I thought you were gone and I lost it. I was filled with rage and hatred that I lost control", I said. She hugged me back and smiled. "I'm just happy that you are you again", she said. "Me too Wendy, me too", I said.

After that I made dinner, which Wendy, Carla, and Nakamora loved, and we relaxed on the couch. I just realized that I was being selfish. I had all of that money and could have moved out so Wendy would not have to worry about me. But now almost all of it is gone. Now I'm going to still be a burden to her. Wendy, noticing that something was on my mind, asked, "Draco, what's wrong?". "I just feel bad because I had that money and could have moved out a while ago, but I chose not to. I really felt at home here. But I can't stop thinking about how I could have got my own place and you would not have to take care of me anymore".

Wendy sat there thinking. "Draco, I don't want you to move out", she said, "If you move, things will feel different here. I guess I've gotten used to you living here". "No, you just want me here for my cooking", I said jokingly. We both laughed and talked more. It was now getting late and the exeeds went to sleep.

"I'm honestly surprised that Nakamora and Carla are getting along. When she first met Happy, she practically hated him", Wendy said. "Carla is just being a tsundere", I said. "What's that?", Wendy asked. "It's nothing", I said chuckling, "Anyways, it's getting late. We should get some sleep". "Okay", Wendy said. We went back into the bedroom and got into our beds and soon we both fell asleep.

Fairy Tail (Wendy Marvell) x Draco ClashWhere stories live. Discover now