Chapter 1

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"Day after day, I will walk and I will play
But the day after today, I will stop and I will start" - Violent Femmes

Bellamy stared through the slits of the metal covered window of the rover, watching the trees whisk by as they drove through Sector 7

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Bellamy stared through the slits of the metal covered window of the rover, watching the trees whisk by as they drove through Sector 7. Jasper was drunkenly singing along to the same song that he listened to day in and day out and although people usually ignored him when he did, today they joined in. Everyone was in a particular good mood. It had been three months since the attack on Mount Weather and things were slowly becoming less and less tense between Arkadia and the other 12 clans. Peace was on the horizon and everyone was welcoming it with open arms.

"Day after day, I get angry and I will say that the day is in my sight when I'll take a bow and say goodnight!!"

Jasper had found his way outside of the hatch on the roof and began to scream the lyrics, his voice getting lost in the wind. Bellamy rolled his eyes. This wasn't a leisurely drive. They were mapping out the border of Section 8, which was both Ice Nation territory and off limits to them per Chancellor Kane. So far, none of them had encountered anyone from Ice Nation, and they intended to keep it that way. They were rumored to be even more ruthless than the other Grounders that they had dealt with. However, despite his best efforts, he found himself singing along. He hated that song, but after the thirtieth time of Jasper playing it, the lyrics were permanently engrained in his mind, along with the memories of where the IPod that held the song came from and how Jasper acquired it.

"What is that?" Raven asked, pointing to the red dot on their radar.

They all leaned in to look. It read SECTOR FOUR in bright capital letters. It was a tracking beacon, the ones that they used back on the Ark.

"Sector four is Farm Station." Monty said out loud.

Suddenly the music stopped and the joyful mood quickly turned cold. Monty's eyes were wide with confusion and fear. They hadn't heard from Farm Station since the Ark came crashing down to the Ground. There was no way that they had survived.

All of a sudden, the rover came to a sudden stop, throwing Jasper forward and causing him to slam his head against the metal with a loud thump.

"Thanks for the warning Raven." He grumbled as he climbed back inside.

"Sssshhh." She hissed.

They all looked at her with puzzled looks as she stared out of the front windshield. They tracked her gaze to the line of warriors standing with their swords drawn at the tree line less than fifty feet in front of them.

"Come out with your hands up!" One of them shouted.

Everyone exchange looks with each other.

"Wonderful." Raven sighed.

They open up the doors to the rover and piled out one by one with their hands above their heads.

"Get on your knees now!"

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