Chapter 8

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"I've got a soft spot for those
With the wind in their souls
Ain't it funny what I love's what made you go"           - Cam

"I've got a soft spot for thoseWith the wind in their soulsAin't it funny what I love's what made you go"           - Cam

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"I'm not going in." Clarke said, standing at the gates to Arkadia.

Bellamy started at her and blinked for a moment.

"Clarke, if you need forgiveness, I'll give that to you," He said "You're forgiven."

She didn't respond.

"Please come inside." He said quietly

She swallowed and looked at Bellamy.

"Take care of them for me."

She choked up on her last word and he could see the tears welling in the corners of her eyes.


"Seeing their faces every day is only going to remind me of what I did to get them here." She shook her head.

"What we did," He emphasized. "You don't have to do this alone."

"I bear it, so they don't have to."

They were both quiet for a minute as they watched people unload their belongings.

"Where are you going to go?" He finally asked.

She kissed him on the cheek and hugged him tightly.

"I don't know." She whispered, her voice shaking. He could feel the tears roll of her cheek and soak into his shirt.

He didn't want to let go, because he knew when he did, he would lose her, this time possibly for good. All he wanted was for her to come inside.

"May we meet again." She said as she pulled away.

She took a deep breath, meeting his gaze one more time before turning and walking away. He watched as the shadow of her figure faded into the tree line and he couldn't make it out anymore. He stood there for a while after, waiting, hoping that she would come back, but she didn't.

"May we meet again." He echoed.

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Bellamy blinked hard as he tried to focus, but the memories weren't easily scared away like everything else around him.

"You ready?" Pike asked.

Bellamy looked at him and nodded. He'd been ready since their last unsuccessful attempt to rescue Clarke.

"I'm going to get the rover ready. Meet me there in five."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2020 ⏰

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