Chapter 3

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"Even though you're present in the moment
Doesn't mean that you're not sad and lonely." - Dhani Harrison

Hours had passed since Bellamy had seen Marina and yet the memory of her face still danced in his mind and was refusing to take a backseat

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Hours had passed since Bellamy had seen Marina and yet the memory of her face still danced in his mind and was refusing to take a backseat. She was so unique, so alluring. Something about her made him want to get to know her more. Not only for personal reasons, but also to find out more about the fate of Factory Station how there were even survivors in the first place.

"Bellamy?" He heard Kane's voice call out from behind, snapping him out of his thoughts.

He turned around to see the four farm station refugees, including Marina, standing next to him.

"We've decided to move the rest of Farm Station into Arkadia," He said. "I already have a team on the way to round everyone up and bring them here safely."

"Glad I was included in that." Bellamy said incredulously.

"After the incident earlier, it was in everyone's best interest that you and the rest of that group stay here," Kane said, alluding to their previous conversation. Bellamy rolled his eyes. "We have extra tents that we can use for the time being until we can find a permanent solution."

The Ark was already alarmingly overcrowded. The thought of trying to cram a whole other group of people into it was perplexing and somewhat frustrating. Having to feed that many more mouths would put a strain on their dwindling resources, and adding more radicalized minds into an already uneasy settlement sounded like adding gasoline on a fire. The tent situation was a problem within itself, but they didn't have time to do anything else, because who knows how long ago Kane sent out his army to go rescue everyone. Bellamy was annoyed that he was kept in the dark about something so paramount to their colony.

"In the mean time, I hope you'll show our new guests around?"

He scoffed at Kane's remark. So just like that he went from being exiled from the mission to being a tour guide? How demeaning. His eyes scanned over the now freed detainees. It wasn't until his eyes met Marina's that he remembered she was even there. Apparently his self deprecating thoughts were louder than Marina's questions, which she had taken upon herself to ask Kane, seeing as though Bellamy clearly had other issues at hand.

"Will we be safe here?" She asked.

He thought he had made that that clear to her earlier, but Marina was an anxious person who needed reassurance and wouldn't calm down until she was one hundred percent certain of things.

"Of course Marina," He said. "These walls are guarded at all times by the best of the best. No grounders will be able to make it past them."

She felt like it was a lie, but she didn't press the question. Anything was better than being under the control of Ice Nation. Bellamy threw her a quick glance before taking a breath and pushing his pride aside.

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