In the wake of Mount Weather's demise, Arkadia struggles to survive. Jaha never discovered the city of light. Praimfaya never happened. Instead of trying to defeat A.L.I.E and prepare for another nuclear disaster, they're attempting to move forward...
"You've got me nervous to move so I just won't give anything to you." - The Neighbourhood
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It took two days for the other to come. Marina was starting to think that they were't going to make it back, but she heard the gate alarm go off and sure enough, one by one they marched into camp. They shared the same bewildered look that Marina had when she first got there.
They were greeted with mix reactions from Arkadians. Some people were excited to see them, especially the kids from the hundred who were seeing their presumed dead family members for the time since they made it to the ground, including Monty. He ran full sprint towards the group and threw his arms around his mom. It was a beautiful site, although Marina couldn't help the sinking feeling that slowly flooded her chest as she watched. She wanted that to be her. She wanted to throw her arms around her mom again and tell her how much she loved her. How much she missed her. How much she needed her. She sighed as she continued to watch the scene in front of her.
Others weren't so happy. They viewed them an inconvenience and a drain on their supplies. More mouths to feed. More people to share their already small fortress with. Even though they were from the Ark as well, they were still outsiders. They had been essentially 'sleeping with the enemy'. Who could blame anyone for their feelings of animosity towards Farm Station. Marina could only hope that they would be able to move past their growing pains and become one big happy community, but she wasn't naive enough to even let that thought cross her mind.
"Alright everyone gather around."
Kane's voice exploded through the megaphone that he was holding in his hand. He stepped up onto an old wooden crate that he decided to use as an impromptu stage. He waited as everyone stopped what they were doing and made their way over to him, creating a circle of bodies.
"Today, we welcome Farm Station into our camp," A few grumbles slipped through the pause in his sentence. "I know this is a shock, and I know this is going to be yet another difficult transition, but we need to remember that they are from the Ark, just like we are. They aren't any different than us, and therefore should be treated as such."