In the wake of Mount Weather's demise, Arkadia struggles to survive. Jaha never discovered the city of light. Praimfaya never happened. Instead of trying to defeat A.L.I.E and prepare for another nuclear disaster, they're attempting to move forward...
"Sense the crowd expecting something more. Opened up, proudly on display what we tried so hard to hide away." - How To Destroy Angles
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Kane paced back and forth in front of them, anger etched into the lines and furrowed brows on his face.
"You shot three Ice Nation warriors!?"
"We had to sir," Monty said. "They were going to kill Jasper."
"Why was he even with you? That drunken fool should've stayed here." Kane growled.
They couldn't argue with that.
"He's part of our team, and regardless, he was the one who found the beacon and led us to discover the survivors. None of that would've happened without him." Bellamy said.
"And he also caused you guys to break the coalition that I worked my ass off for!" He yelled, slamming his hands down on his desk. "For the first time since we landed on the Ground, it was finally somewhat peaceful and you all ruined it within seconds."
Kane angrily ran his hands through his hair as he groaned.
"I'm going to have to start sending a guard out on trips with you if you can't get it together. You forget it's not just you guys anymore. I'm in charge now and going against my rules can and will result in punishment."
They nodded. It had been hard adjusting to having everyone else on the Ground, and Kane knew that. They had gotten so used to making their own decisions and calling their own shots. It was easy to forget that they now had to answer to a Chancellor.
"I'm sorry Kane," Bellamy said. "I panicked. I didn't know what else to do."
"You could've not gone into Ice Nation territory for starters."
Yet another point that they couldn't argue with.
"It was right in front of the boarder. We had no intentions of crossing it or getting into any type of altercation." Monty chimed in.
"I understand," Kane sighed. "I'm just worried that everyone else won't."
"If we explain to them what happened, I'm thinking they will. They hate Ice Nation more than anyone else."
"That doesn't mean anything. We're already walking a tight rope with them and this might just be the breaking point."
Kane placed his head in his hands and ran them down his face. He wanted to not tell anyone. He wanted to say that a rouge grounder stole one of their guns and shot the warriors by himself. It was a decently believable story. Definitely a better one than snitching on a group of teenagers who were just trying to do the right thing.
"You know what, I'll talk to Indra and figure it out. In the mean time, no more leaving camp for any of you until further notice," Bellamy went to protest, but Kane put his hand up to stop him before he could argue. "And that's final."