In the wake of Mount Weather's demise, Arkadia struggles to survive. Jaha never discovered the city of light. Praimfaya never happened. Instead of trying to defeat A.L.I.E and prepare for another nuclear disaster, they're attempting to move forward...
"I'm ready for combat. I say I don't want that, but what if I do?" - Taylor Swift
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The next two week were chaotic, to say the least. Getting settled has proven to be harder than Marina had initially anticipated. Even though the number of kids she was in charge of was drastically lower than she was used to, she was by herself now, and it was a hundred times more challenging. She was not prepared to start teaching school aged children. Back home, she was in charge of the three, four, and five year olds. Teaching them was not only fun, but much easier. The lessons were simple. They enjoyed it.
None of these kids wanted to be there. Half of them had lost parents. All of them were traumatized by the events life had been throwing at them. Kane had assigned two other women from Farm Station to the younger kids and babies, leaving Marina the one and only teacher to teach kids six to eleven. Kane deemed kids twelve and older to start working just like their parents, therefore only making them go to school one day a week. She wished it didn't have to be that way for them. After all, they were still kids, but there was so much to get done and so little help. The ground was stealing their childhood quicker than time was.
Marina had just finished giving a lesson on the basics of reading comprehension when she heard a knock. She looked over, secretly hoping to find Bellamy standing in her doorway again, but instead was greeted by a guard. Marina froze. She had been following all the rules, like always. There was no way that she was in trouble.
"Class is ending early today. You guys are going to be with Ms. Martin and Ms. Anderson for the rest of the day," He said, much to the classes pleasure. They weren't a fan of her lessons, and frankly neither was she at the moment.
"Marina, you're coming with me."
She rounded up the group and led them down the hall to the day care room. She opened up the door and they all ran in, cheering to each other about being done with school early. It made her happy to see them happy, even if it was only temporary.
She shut the door and looked at the guard.
"Am I in trouble?"
"No," He laughed slightly. "They're holding a weapons class, and Kane asked me to bring you to attend."
She hated how nervous she was, and she hated how scared she got every time a guard came around. She was still trying to fully convince her brain that she wasn't in Ice Nation Territory anymore and that she wasn't a prisoner. He wasn't leading her to death. She needed to calm down.
He lead her outside and she was immediately blinded by the sun. She felt like she hadn't seen it in weeks, which in reality, she hadn't. She was up before dawn every morning to get things ready for the day, and she was in her classroom until the sun went down, trying so hard to create a plan to not only engage the kids, but also teach them in a way that would stick with them instead of going in one ear and out of the other.