A New Villian

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Adrien's PoV

"Come with me", she whispered and faced me with a seducing look... I couldn't resist and followed her without asking questions.
"My parents aren't home for the weekend. So, I thought you could stay over", she said as she opened the door to the bakery. Warmth and the smell of croissants surrounded me. "This smells delicious" Then I heard her laugh. "Did I just think loud?", I wondered. She nodded as her eyes filled up with tears. "What's wrong?" "Nothing...", she whispered and drew me in the kitchen. "So, what do you want to eat?", she asked me. "Didn't we go to a restaurant?", I replied with surprise in my voice. "That was like 3 hours ago", she said. ~Now that I think of it, she's right. I am hungry...~ "Well, you're right. I'm kind of hungry", I admitted. "Fresh Croissants will be good", I added. Then she took milk, flower, sugar and salt out the cupboards. "What are you up to?", I asked with a grin. "You said that you want fresh Croissants. So, you'll get your fresh Croissants", she simply answered. She took out other ingredients and some backing paper. I just watched her with a lovely look. ~Why didn't I notice the nice, kind and generous girl~ "Are you ready?" "For what exactly?", I asked surprised. "You didn't think I'll do the Croissants all by my own, did you? You're going to help me out", she said with a serious look but then she grinned. ~Well I thought you'd do...~ I was ashamed of my thoughts. "I... didn't", I simply said. "So, obvious...", she whispered. I mentally face palmed myself.
She took me by the hand and drew me to the table. I stood in front of it without knowing what to do. She stepped next to me and showed me what to do. "Now you mix it with your hands. You have to keep to the moves or you'll ruin your croissants", she patiently said. "No, you're doing it wrong", she giggled and stepped behind me. She laid her hands on top of mine. She started moving my hands with hers on top. Although she was pressed tight to me, I felt her moving backward and forward the same directions of mixing. "Finished!", she finally said. Her hands were still on mine. I was too afraid removing my hands under hers. I looked behind me right into her sea blue eyes and she starred back. ~I could get lost inside of them every time~ I sighed full of joy. I think she realised that we were starring at each other for quite a long time. She stepped back and put the croissants into the oven.

Marinette's PoV

That was the moment I should have probably leaned towards him and kissed him passionately. But now wasn't the right time. We'll get to that later. After staring back at him, I awkwardly backed off and put the croissants in the oven. "Do you want to watch a movie?", I asked after we entered the living room. He nodded as an agree. "What do you want to watch?", I asked him. He stepped towards the cupboard full of movies. "How about this one?" He Pointed at a romantic movie. ~You want to know how to seduce a Lady, huh?~ I nodded and we started watching the movie.
After some time Chat stood up. "I need to use myself", he simply said and I patiently nodded. I paused the movie as I waited for a few minutes. I looked at the time... I face palmed myself. ~I am the most stupid person on earth! The croissants are burning! I hope Chat will need some time... Maybe I can do some more?~ I ran into the kitchen. There I saw Chat blowing his fingers. "Chat?", I whispered afraid to scare him. "Ouch...", I just heard him him say. His voice was full of pain. I walked towards him and saw that his fingers were not black as his suit anymore. They were red...
Blood was dropping from his hand onto the ground. My heart started pounding very fast. I wanted to move towards him, but I couldn't. I felt disappointment, sadness and a little bit of anger rise in me. ~I should have come earlier! It's all my fault! I'm always late... No Matter when! Why can't I be like Ladybug?!~ My hands turned into fists. I could feel how my face burned. I was about to explode out of anger.

Hawk Moth's PoV

"I can feel anger, sadness and disappointment", I whispered with a mean grin on my face. "No, master! The Miraculouses weren't made for evil!", my kwami Nooroo yelled at me. "How dare you talk to me like that! I am your master and you have to do what i ask you to!", I screamed back at him. "But-" "No buts! And now shut up!", I interrupted him. Then a shiny purple line flew past his lips and his lips shut immediately. He just nodded with sadness in his eyes.
"Now... Transform me" As usual black butterflies appeared and surrounded me.
~What a poor little girl... She blames herself for hurting a very close friend~ "Go my little akuma and akumatize her!", I ordered. As ordered he flew out of my secret room. "Detransform me, Nooroo...", I said. My kwami flew out of my Miraculous. We starrred at each other as his face looked disgusted. His eyes tightened of anger.

Chat's PoV

Meanwhile at Marinette's

Marinette ran out of the kitchen. Her eyes full with tears... "Marinette!", I shouted after her. "Please don't leave me...", I whispered sadly.
I remembered her face which was full of disappointment and anger. Then I looked down at himself. I was still transformed. "No...", I whispered as he realized why Ladybug and Chat Noir existed. ~No, I don't want to fight against her~, I was worried. Although it was painful he stood up and ran after her.
"Marinette?", I asked before he stepped into the room. There she was... On her knees crying. "No...", I gasped, when I heard a butterfly with my cat senses. I sat down next to her and leaned my head against hers and tried to draw her into a hug, but the pain didn't allow me to hug her completely. For a second she went silent. Then she turned around and hugged me back and started to cry. I opened my mouth to say something but I knew that she knew what she was doing.
I gasped when I saw the akuma, but I relaxed as Marinette relaxed. The butterfly slowed down. "I'm so glad I have you, Chat", she said with a weak smile after she had pulled back. "Everything for my clawsome purrincess", I replied and winked. She started blushing and giggled. She squeezed my hand and I hissed out of pain. "Oh! I'm so sorry, Chat!" So, she pulled me into a hug. Now I could see the butterfly turning around and flying towards the window as I sighed in relieve. She pulled back with a serious face. "Hmm? Is everything ok?", I asked. "That's what I could ask you", she looked down at my hands. I shrugged. "Can we eat now?", I simply asked and forgot about my pains. ~All I want to do is sit next to you watch that movie I don't care how painful the consequences can be~ "No, it's-" "Let's cure the hurt little kitten", she winked at me. "But-", I disagreed. "No Buts! You got hurt because of me and I'll be the one to take care of you", she insisted still. I wanted to disagree, but the she gave me that "You don't have a choice"-look. So, I gave up and just nodded. Her face brightened up as she drew the kitchen...

Gabriel Agreste's PoV

We starred at each other for ages. My face was full of victory and his was full of hatred, disgust, anger and sadness at once. "I always get what I want", I victoriously whispered. My kwami just shook his head violently. "No, you won't! Ladybug and Chat Noir will defeat you! The good ones always win! ", Nooroo shouted. "Maybe, in all your stories, but this is mine in which the good ones loose!", I laughed.

*Flap* *Flap*

I got quiet at once, when my akuma flew towards us. "Huh?", I was surprised. I looked at my kwami who looked very pleased by the sight of the akuma. The butterfly flew towards Nooroo who was waiting patiently. ~No, I can't allow this to happen! I have to stop him! But how?
I know how!~
The black butterfly had almost arrived Nooroo. "Nooroo, transf-" "No, Hawk Moth!" Nooroo wasn't akumatized yet, but his confidence grew as the place between him and the akuma got smaller. "But you'll be under my control. So what's the need?", I laughed. "First, you won't be transformed. Second, I am a kwami. You can't control kwamis neither can you control Miraculous holder", as soon as he finished the sentence, the too familiar dark cloud surrounded him...

This is the end of this chapter.

Sorry, it took me so long to finish the chapter. 🙇

I'll try to be faster😅

I've already started my next chapter✍️

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See you next chapter✋👊


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