What could be worse than death?

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Gabriel's PoV

I was right. Emily didn't stay healthy for long. Even worse. Her condition is worse than ever. The doctors have lost all hopes. They have given uo on her. They told me let her be. The doctors have stopped their treatments on her. Just one doctor accepted the job as her personal doctor but I'm sure it's just because of money. Still there aren't any improvements.
Adrien is getting upset because I won't allow him to see his mother. Just lying on her bed with slightly opened eyes. Tubes stuck unto her arms and legs with liquid rushing through it. She couldn't move. She didn't have much time left. Soon this doctor would give up on her, too. It seems like this is wasn't a medical problem. Maybe a spiritual problem. How would I know?

"Gabriel?", Duusu, Emily's kwami whispered. "Yes", I groaned. I hadn't slept for hours. "We have bad news for you", Nooroo sarted. "What could be worse than the condition of my wife?", I asked. "Well-"
"Sir, your wife!", the doctor ran into the room screaming and interupting Duusu. Immediately I stood up and ran into Emily's room.
She was pale and shaking but her eyes were closed. She continued shaking for a while and suddenly stopped but she didn't open her eyes. The doctor was checking her pulse. It was extremely low. He was doing all his stuff which looked abnormal for me but then he just stopped and walked towards me. "Sir, I have bad news", he started. "Is she dead?!", I screamed and ran to one side of the bed and held her hands already crying. "No even worse", he sighed and I could see how scared he was. "What could be worse than death!", I began to get angry. I didn't know why. "Sir, calm down-" "No, I'm not going to calm down", I shouted and pushed him. He fell against one of the liquids connected to Emily and fell. "I'm sorry but she fell into a coma", she explained on his knees frightened.
"A coma? That is good news, isn't it. I mean she isn't dead", I said with a smirk on my face. I felt like I was going insane. "No. She is not alive and not dead. She's between the both of them. There is nothing I can do for her", he cried and ran out of the room. "Still that's good news", I sighed with relief. "Nope. It's not. If she died, you wouldn't have to worry to keep her alive anymore", a familiar voice said. Natalie. She was our secretart. Emily had suggested her because they were good friends in highschool and even now they hadn't lost contact. ~She is right. Maybe it was better if she was dead~
Now I had an idea. I didn't know whether she would wake up. ~What if I faked her death or her disappearance~ I smirked. "Sir?", Natalie drew me back to reality. The idea was insane. "Natalie... What if we faked her death or her disappearance? I can't do this to Adrien. He's worried about his mother but if he thinks that she is gone... Maybe he will forget her?"

Natalie's PoV

~This is perfect. I'll get what beings to me~ Since highschool I have had a crush on Gabriel Agreste. Emily knew that but still she went behind my back and started dating Gabriel. He was mine. I knew it. I felt it. She took him away from me. If she dies, he'll be mine.
I accepted working for them in the first place to be closer to Gabriel. If not for this her mysterious illness, I would have definitely killed her with my bare hands. This was just right for me. I had already made my way into Adrien's heart. So there was no need to worry about Adrien's opinion.
"I guess that I sound a bit crazy-", Grabriel made his way into my thoughts. "No, that sounds good. It's a brilliant idea", I interupted him. ~Maybe my wish would come true~ I sighed.

Nooroo's PoV

Gabriel entered the room crying with Natalie next to her. "Gabriel! What is wrong?", Duusu asked. "Duusu... Emily is gone", he sobbed, "she is dead." ~That makes no sence~ Duusu immediately started crying. She was the kwami of emotions. She doesn't think before she acts. She obviously knew that Emily being dead couldn't be true. But looking at them was funny. I didn't say anything because I wanted to know how long it would take Duusu to notice that he was lying.
A lot of tears were shed until... "Wait what?", she sked out of nowhere. I couldn't hold back my laughter. It took her pretty long. I took a step forward. "Emily can't be dead", I concluded and pushed back my imaginary glasses. I knew it looked stupid but in my imagination it looked as cool as when the charakters in the animes did it. I felt amazing.
But back to my story.
"That is what I was trying to explain", I sighed and grinned. "The problem with her is that she used a cracked or almost broken miraculous. A cracked miraculous isn't strong enough to transform his owner into a hero on its own. It uses his own power and the rest that is needed is taken from the holder itself. It consumes the holder's soul to create enough power. Each time she transformed into Mayura, she lost part of her soul. That means the last time she transformed, she didn't have enough of her soul left to stay awake", Duusu explained. ~Wow. She's smart~ I didn't expect that to come from her. But I have a girlfriend. "So there's no way that Emily is dead.", I concluded. ~We're a pretty good team~

"And how can we wake her up?"

Hey bugaboos,

Hope you're fine.

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I'm thinking about writing a new story.

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