The found purrincess

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Adrien's PoV

I ran down the stairs and exited the school. I heard the nurse shout something behind me, bit I didn't bother. I practically flew over the ground. Although I didn't know where my legs were heading to, I didn't hesitate to stop. I saw familiar buildings next to me. Though I ran as fast, I didn't feel tired. I don't know why, but the too familiar sent of fresh croissants. Then the Dupain-Cheng's bakery came into sight. Although I was sure that Marinette wasn't home I rang the bell. Nobody opened. So, I entered the dark alley next to her house and transformed. I climed on her balcony with my baton. As always when I visit Marinette at night, I tapped at her window three times. But to my surprise somebody opened it. It was Sabine Dupain-Cheng, Marinette's Mum. She looked worried. In the background I saw Tom nervously walking around with a phone in his hand. ~He's probably talking to the police~ I thought with worried look on my face. "Chat Noir", Sabine gasped. "What are you doing here?", she asked. "Uhm... I was told that your daughter has gone missing", I answered. "Marinette, isn't it?", I had to pretend as if I didn't know. She quickly nodded. "They said that we should call them again when she's been gone for 24 hours", I heard Tom say disappointed. He hadn't noticed that I had already entered the room through the window. "That's not bad", Sabine whispered, walked towards her husband and laid a hand on his wide shoulder. "We have Chat Noir now. He's going to help us, won't you?", she asked and faced me. I was about to shout that it was all my fault. I couldn't stand the pain in their looks. "I'm going to do everything in my power to bring back your daughter", I promised trying to hold back the tears. I should have felt like a hero, but I felt like the opposite. I felt like a villian. I caused a lot of pain and Marinette got kidnapped. Hawk Moth had no hand in this.
I left the room throught the hatch. I returned to the black alley and detransformed. ~Where am I supposed to look for her?~ I sighed. I was stressed. "Where am I supposed to look for her?", I repeated the question loud this time. I groaned. "Where am I supposed to look for her?", I repeated the question over and over again. "I've understood", a voice said nerved. "You want me to answer", I looked at Plagg. He rolled his eyes. "Why can't you be like Tikki?!", I groaned. "You've already met my sugarcube", he squeaked. I rose an eyebrow. "Is she a cheater?!", I asked with surprise. "No, she isn't. I love her with all my heart but she doesn't return my feelings", he sighed. ~I've never seen him this down~ I suddenly felt pitty for him. I wrapped a hand around him and tried to hug him. "I'm sorry. I think you're purrfect just the way you are, my purretty kitty", I giggled as I heared a groan from him. "The puns sound pawful when you do them. You'll never be as clawsome as I am", he grinned. We burst into laughter. For a moment he took all the pressure of my shoulder. I forgot about everything around me. All my troubles and pains. I was still laughing as I was gasping for air. "So...", I started. Plagg nodded. "Claws out, Plagg", I shouted.

Mari's PoV

"I make sure that you're going to be disappointed in no time", he said and left the room. I was left alone in the room if they could even call it one. Water was dripping on my my when I looked up. ~Where am I?~ Another drop. ~This place is freezing cold. There's almost no sunlight passing through. I can hear voices and steps?~ I frowned. ~Steps and voices?~ These two things seemed familiar to me. I strechted to that I could reach up with my head and get a better view. As soon as strechted, I hit the top of the room. "Ouch", I groaned in pain. Then I noticed that there was a small river running by. ~A river~ All this details reminded me of a movie. ~A river, darkness, steps, voices and water dripping down from up?~ As I imagined al these in a room, it hit me. "I am in a sewerage", I gasped. "I am in a sewerage", I repeated more scared than before. ~Nobody will ever find me down here. I'll be forgotten. Ladybug will never be able to save Paris again. Hawk Moth will win and take Chat's miraculous and Exchanger will take mine for him~ I started panicing, panting, was starting to get angry and sad at the same time. My eyes filled with tears. ~Don't cry, Marinette. Exchanger will take this opportunity~ Although I was trying to encourage myself, tears were still gathering in my eyes. ~He's watching me. I'm sure. Or... He can feel anger and sadness from far away~ I shrugged. Suddenly I felt so lonely. I knew nobody would look for me. I was so useless. ~I guess, everybody is reliefed that I'm gone~ I was already sobbing. I was still holding back my tears. I felt that somebody was watching... that he was watching me. An akumatized kwami. As I thought about him, I remembered Tikki. ~Tikki! I totally forgot about her!~ I looked around. "Tikki?", I whispered once or twice. I waited for a respond, but it didn't come. I tried it again. "Yes?", she finally responded. "Do you know how we can get out of here?", I asked. She shook her head. "But I'm sure Chat's already looking for you. You're Ladybug. They're going to notice that you're gone by the next akuma attack", she said. "This is an akuma attack", I almost shouted. Then Tikki's face went pale. "But I'm sure Chat already looking for me or Ladybug", I tried to calm her down and I succeeded. With her company now I felt less lonely. So, I could pull myself together and wasn't angry or sad again.
We were still waiting. I didn't know for what, but I was patient. "Do you think he's going to come back?", I asked. She shrugged. Nooroo had left me in here for hours and hadn't return. I was get worried. ~What if he was causing some damage in Paris to distract Chat - the only hero available right now - or maybe he kidnapped Chat as well by tricking him~ I started sweating. I wanted to raise my hand to clean it off, but I was held back by the ropes.
"Marinette!!!" I froze. He's here...

Chat's PoV

I called her name out loud. Something was telling that she wasn't far away from the alley I transformed in. I used my cat sense to hear if she replying. She didn't I sighed and called her name again. She didn't reply. ~Maybe I was wrong, but I was so sure~ I sighed and drew my baton out of my belt.
"Chat! I'm here!", I heard a voice beneath me shout. ~Marinette?~ "Yeah? I'm still here", I answered. I felt how the fear crept up my back. ~She under me? But there's no hatch to get there. How did she get there? How am I supposed to get there~ "Can you help me to escape?", she asked. "Yeah, that's why I'm here, purrincess", I smirked. "Now is not the time make puns, Adrien", Plagg's voice shoot trough my head. ~This must be very serious~ "Yes, it is! My sugarcube is in there", he said. ~And what about Marinette. She is Ladybug~ "Yeah, yeah. She's important as well", he replied. "How'd you get down there?", I wanted to know. "I don't really know. I was asleep when Exchanger carried me down here as Adrien", she nervously said. "Exchanger?", I asked. "Yes, he's an akumatized kwami. Hawk Moth's kwami to be precise", she continued. ~So, he was that other Nino, I guess~ "But I guess there should be a hatch around there. There has to be one", she sounded more confident than before. ~Maybe, because I'm here know~ I grinned. I was on all fours and crawling on the ground to look for a damn hatch. It was already getting dark and it started to rain. ~Are you frickin' kidding me?! This is going to a long night~ The only good thing was that cat can see very well at night so it wasn't that hard to look for the hatch. "Have you found it?", Marinette was worried again. "No, but I'm going to find. Don't worry", I tried to calm her down. "Ouch", I almost shouted as I hit against the wall. "Is everything okay, kitty?", she asked with her voice full of love. "Yeah, I guess", I said and rubbed the back of my head.
Then I finally found the hatch. I sighed in relief. I laid my hand on top of it and opened it. There she was in the sewerage. Tied on a chair in the dirty water. Although I was not really a cat, I didn't feel comfortable touching the water. "What's wrong?", she frowned. "You know, I'm not really a cat...", I started and she nodded. "But I feel uncomfortable touching the water", I said. I waited for her reaction. An awkward silence followed. Suddenly she bursted out in laughter. I rose an eyebrow. ~She's laughing?~ "Well, you don't really have a choice", she said and shrugged. "I guess...", I mumbled. I untied her with digust in my face. The ropes were wet and I couldn't avoid stepping into the water. I carried her in bride style.
"Where do you think you're going?", a too familiar voice asked. The voice was cold, deep, calm and harsh at the same time. ~Father?~ I turned around and saw Hawk Moth step out of the dark. I allowed Marinette to fall on the floor, but she grabbed my bell as my mouth stood open. "But I thought you were-", I started surprised. "-Gabriel Agreste?", he rudely interrupted me. ~Yes, he's right~ Something was holding me back. I gulped. He noticed my nervousness. "The same cold, deep, calm and harsh voice", he said and grinned. "I hate that voice as well. He forces me to transform him so that he can akumatize people with my powers. I hate that he doesn't care about me, my will or my opinion", he continued. ~I hate them as well. Photoshootings everytime and he doesn't even care about my health or my opinion. He doesn't care about me, his only son in fact his only child. If not his only relative~ "He's selfish. He has a son and he doesn't even care about him. His wife disappeared and Adrien Agreste is the only "thing" reminding him of her and he treats him like trash", he huffed. The last words built anger, sadness, disappointment hate against my father...

Hey, bugaboos🐞

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