New love

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Mari's PoV

I woke up in the morning, still tired. I looked to my side. Chat was already gone. I sighed and climbed down my stairs. "Thank God, today's Saturday", I groaned as I jumped in the bathroom to take a shower.

*After the shower*

After I dried my body, I put on a pair of jeans and a T-shirt. I took of my bedsheets. They were still kind of sticky, because of yesterday. I started washing them with my hands. My mum should never find out about this.

Gabriel's PoV

Plenty of Ladybugs flew over my display. "Seems as if a villain has just been defeated", a surprised reporter said. "I never noticed we had a new villain. Did you?", she asked and looked at someone behind the camera. "No...", a man answered. "Well, that should mean Ladybug and Chat Noir defeated him very fast that nobody even noticed that there was a fight", she shrugged.
~No, it took them days to defeat this villain and I must admit he was pretty strong~
"Now the weather for to-", I turned off my television. "I have been watching the news of yesterday about hundred times, but there is still no sign of my miraculous", I said to myself.
"At least, you still have the peacock miraculous, Gabriel", a soft voice said behind me. "Relax", she said and I sat back down on my bed. I heard her stepping into my room. She stopped not far behind me. I turned around to see her sitting on my bed leaning towards me. She was wearing a hot dress. A dress that revealed her deep neckline. I immediately turned around and felt my face heat up as hell. She lean in closer. I could feel her breath in the back of my neck. "Look at me", she seductively whispered and reached out to my chin. I turned around and looked down in her eyes. At least, I tried to. My eyes always wandered down to her neckline. She was so beautiful. Now I took a better look at her. The dress was really short and it was red. It fit to her hair and her blue eyes. Now there was no space for Emily in my head. There was just Nathalie. A damn hot woman who I never noticed. ~How could I choose Emily over her?~
I looked back up at her. Into her eyes. They were like the ocean. She leaned into a kiss, as she closed her eyes. I guess, I should have pulled away, but I didn't. The kiss felt wrong, but at the same time it felt so right. It had been long since I kissed a woman. I grabbed her waist and raised her up. We both pulled away to pant for air.
She laid her finger on my lips, as I leaned over to kiss her. "Eager, are we?", she grinned, then she simply walked off, laughing. "That's how you leave a man wanting more", she whispered to herself before she was completely out of sight.
I felt a desire inside of me. ~I want her, but there is still Emily. No, I want Nathalie~ I don't know what I was feeling, but I liked the feeling. I was so nervous. I can almost feel the adrenaline speed through my blood. It's been long since I had this feeling. It's the same feeling I had when I saw Emily the first time. The moment I fell in love with her. I dreamy fell back on my bed and looked at the top of the room as I remembered what I felt that day. The feeling always made me nervous and happy around her. Every time I saw her, I got so excited. I normally never talked to, but one day she came over to me...

"Look there she is", my friend said and pointed at her, Emily, the most beautiful girl in school. When I was around her, I'd aways get clumsy, weird and excited. Like a compass next to a metal statue. She was the most beautiful metal statue and I was the compass that freaks out every time I'm around her. I don't even think she had ever noticed me. Her parents were celebrities, they were actors and she wanted to be one, as well. I think, she's gonna make it. I mean if you have successful actors as parents, they have a great influence on you. I had a lot of pictures of her. Everyday I wake up, the first thing is see was her green emerald eyes, her blond hair and her perfect smile. She really was unique. I knew her schedule for he day. I knew almost everything about her. You could call me a stalker. We were in the same class, but I don't think she noticed. But one day the unexpected happened. I was sitting in the library, reading my physics -I was one of the best students in school- when I heard someone pull out the chair in front of me at the same table. The same person laid down books on the table. I took a glance at them and saw that they were the same books as mine. Unfortunately, I couldn't read the name, but I could tell it was a girl, because of the handwriting. I laid my book aside, as the person sat down and I looked up and froze. She smiled at me and I sheepishly smiled back. "Hey", she started, "Is this seat taken?" I nodded and froze as she rose an eyebrow. "I mean no. You can sit", I stumbled. ~Great start, Gabriel~ "Well, I wanted to ask you for help if you don't mind", she explained as I took my book to continue. "I love you... Uhm... I mean... I'd love to help you", I said as I bent over to see what she meant. "Well, I was looking for someone to tutor me in physics. You know, I missed a lot of classes because of modelling", she shrugged, "and Felix suggested that you could help me, so..." ~Thanks, dude~ Félix and I have been friends since we were born. Our parents have been friends for ages. We grew up together. He has always been really supportive. He was my best friend. I was glad I had him. He was always there for me, but he was always luckier than I was. He already had some girlfriends and now he's dating Magrette. (A/N: I really don't know whether I wrote her name right, but Magrette was the Ladybug before Marinette) ~That lucky guy and I can't even talk to Emily~ She stood up and walked around the table to take her seat next to me as she laid down stuff next to me. As she sat down our hands brushed. ~I'm never going to wash my hand ever again~, I thought as my cheeks covered with a dark red. "You okay?", she asked. "Yeah, I'm totally. You're kind of hot", I said as I nervously scratched the back of my neck. Her eyes widened and I realized what I just said. "I mean... It's kind of hot", I corrected myself. "Really? I'm kind of feeling cold", her face went back to normal and she shivered. "Here", I said as I handed my jacket over to her. "Really? You probably feel cold, as well", she tried to reject, but I insisted. She then happily accepted. "So...", she started and gave me her exercise book. ~She's right. She has been missing a lot of classes~ I compared her book to mine and noticed that she had missed half of the classes. I used my book to explain the things as she copied it. We both knew that this was going to be a long afternoon.

*Four hours later*

Still we hadn't finished completely, but we were both really tired after four hours of learning and explaining. We both went down the stairs in front of the school. I saw a Limo. It seemed like her body guard was already here. Suddenly she stopped and looked at me. I looked back at her. I didn't know what she wanted from me, so I just starred back and she hugged me. I was surprised, but I didn't forget hugging back. After some seconds she pulled back, but she still didn't run to her bodyguard like she always did. She went on tiptoes. I needed a lot of confidence so that I won't pull back in surprise. Then she kissed my cheek and whispered: "Thanks." I barely could answered with a "You're welcome." She smiled and ran to the Limo. I looked after her car. When her car was gone, I reached out to my cheek. ~Does that mean she likes me, too? Or did she forget my other cheek? No, of course not. She's perfect. She did it purpose.~
The thought of she kissing only one of my cheeks on purpose made me smile until I reached my house. ~I have to thank Félix and I have to tell him how it went.~

Hey, Bugaboos🐞

This is the end of this chapter📖

Hope you enjoyed😍

It took me pretty long to write this chapter📓

And I'm sorry😇

But think it will be continuing like that😓

You know school and stuff📚

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