Chapter 3

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Ana's POV

It was a quiet ride to the Donati mansion. Lucas never spoke to me. He just set there busy with his phone and a straight look on his face.

I even put my radio on which he just switched of. He's such a grumpy bum!

I honestly feel sorry for his future wife or his girlfriend.

We were almost at the mansion when Lucas got a phone call. Which he answered and I think my virgin kitty just got wet. 😩

"È tutto pronto per il mio incontro alle 4:30? Assicurati che tutto sia perfetto, questo è enorme per i nostri affari"... "Fantastico, ci vediamo lì"
("Is everything ready for my meeting at 4:30? Make sure everything is perfect, this is massive for our business"... "Great see you there")

I don't know what the hell has me so hot and bothered, I don't even know what he was saying! I'm a sucker for men speaking different languages!

Once we arrived it was already around 3 o'clock and they were all in the lounge watching TV and relaxing around.

I joined them talking for a bit  and mum made us all some tea. It was so nice just talking, until dad asked me to come to his office he needs to speak to me.

I made my way to his office following behind him. I set in a chair across from him, he sat fingers crossed on the table.

I felt nervous, he looks like he has something very serious to talk about.

"Analia, firstly I want to tell you that I really do care for you and I love you like my own daughter. There is just a few things I've been keeping away from you and now since Lucas is finally here and you are in a better space of mind since your father's passing, I think it's time we come clean" just as he said that, Lucas walked in,with his usual stern face. I looked at him weirdly. Lucas stood by the wall watching me as dad spoke.

"uhm okay.." I said. Mr Donati walk over to his filling cabinet and pulled out a file. He came over to me and placed it in front of me. "I want you to read this document and once you're done I will explain everything." he said.

I lifted up the file and opened it to see a single sheet of paper and started reading.


'Be it known this agreement was signed and agreed upon on the 11/01/2009 at The Donati Mansion.

This agreement is between Mr. J.Donati and Mr. S.Moretti  Should there be any witnesses they will sign at the bottom of the page.

I S.Moretti agree to my daughter Miss. Analia Violla Moretti's  hand in marriage to Mr. Luciano Raphael Donati  at the age of eighteen (18) should she see fit.

Mr. Donati agrees to take care and secure Ms. A.Morretti in the future, Should any harm be made to Ms. A.Morretti, Mr. J.Donati will take full responsibility.

Should any obstacles come in the way of this marriage happening once Ms. A.Morretti turns eighteen (18), The marriage will take place after the obstacles have been eliminated.


At the bottom of the page there are five signatures.
1st. Mr. Donati
2nd. My Father
3rd. Mrs. Donati (as witness)
4th. My Mother (as witness)
5th. Our family lawyer Mr. Taylor

I was speechless, tears rolled down my face. I didn't know what to think or do at this point. I sat looking between Lucas and Javier, waiting for one of them to say something, anything. As I looked at them I realized this agreement was signed two months before my mother passed away.

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