Chapter 4

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Analia's P.O.V

As soon as I said I will marry him, Lucas said he had a meeting. It was already 16:15 and his meeting was at 16:30.

So he left with just one glance at me. I got up and went to the guest room I stay in when I am here.

Laying on the bed, trying to process everything. I'm not sure what to do from here, it's so scary. A few tears fell from my eyes as I thought of my parents. I wish they could be here with me, there's so many times in a girl's life she just needs her mother, for a shoulder to cry on or just for that advice and times when a girl just wants her father's hugs and for him to smile at her because she's his little princess.

There was a knock on the door. I sat up wiping my eyes "Come in" I said. The door opened revealing a Maid.

"HI, Mam, Sir Donati, request I bring your belongings to his room" she said with her head down. I looked at her confused.

"Uhm. Why?" I asked. "Mam, Mr. Luciano Donati requested it before he left, You will be staying in his room from now on" she said.

Gosh can't he just give me one night to myself before I actually realize this is all real. I'm still in shock, I still need to speak to my sister and I have a damn ring on my finger, to marry a man I don't even know!

The door was still open and Giulia walked in. "Hi, Honey" she said. I gave her a small smile as I sat down on the bed. "It's okay Sarah, let me speak to her, you can come back in fifteen minutes to get her things, it's not much for now." she told the maid.

She walked over to me as the maid left closing the door behind her.

She put her arm around my shoulder. "Analia, Your mother was a very very close friend of mine. We over came alot together especially when it came to our men and the drama they brought with them, I apologize for keeping this all a secret but you know it was for your safety and you know we love you like our own. We will take care of you till our last breath and that goes for Lucas as well.

He was only 18 years old when the agreement was made but Luciano is a very mature man, when he was 14 he was already in training to take over the empire and he agreed to the marriage from then before the agreement was even made, We discussed your marriage at the same time as Sofias's but we said we will wait on the agreement. He watched you closely to make sure you were always happy and safe." she smiled. I looked at her with scrunched eyebrows not really believing he did such a thing.

"when you broke your arm riding your bicycle when you were 12, he nagged us to go to the hospital to see you, he literally threw a performance, saying he never protected you and he needed to see you. He left the house for hours that day, only came home at about four in the morning.

Later we found out, he was at the hospital, watching you all night long. He never wanted to disturb you, so he kept his distance and sat outside the hospital room window, on the chair they provided." she said.

"Are you serious?" I asked. "I tried speaking to him before he left, to at least give you tonight to be alone but he refused. He says he has been without you for years and refuses for you to be anywhere besides next to him. He is a very stubborn and hard person. It's not easy to get through to him. He will always get his way and if he doesn't you really don't want to be around to see what he becomes" she laughed.

I laughed as well, Im not even sure what to feel. I told her it's okay and the maid can come take my things.

"I already know I won't be leaving here, so when will my things from my apartment be brought here?" I asked. I won't need my kitchen things and my furniture, I'm sure they will leave it there. I can always rent out my apartment to someone but I need my clothes and all my personal items.

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