Chapter 15

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I got out of bed this morning feeling like a bus knocked me the fuck out.

I decided on what I'm going to do sooo I'm currently packing a bag and I'm going to Paris. Don't you think it would be absolutely amazing getting a few things from there for the wedding? Well I do and I'm leaving at 12 today.

I spoke to dad this morning and I never gave him all the details just told him I want to surprise Lucas. He agreed told me to go to the spa and relax before the wedding. He arranged everything for me, I'm leaving with his plane.

The girls, Aurora, Azalia, Tahara And Savannah will be joining me. I think I'm going dress shopping in Paris. The girls don't know what the real reason I'm going to Paris they believed me when I said we're just going to have fun and shop. For these girls this is so normal even though it's weird for me.


A few hours later and we are in Paris. Dad gave me all Lucas' details so we are at the same Hotel. I know he's in a meeting now so the girls excitedly got dressed and we went shopping.

We had supper at the Hotel and enjoyed our time in Paris. Our flight back tomorrow is at 1pm so we also have tomorrow morning to go to the spa which we already booked.

Around 8:30pm the girls decided we should go out to a bar and enjoy ourselves. I on the other hand declined and said I just want to relax so  They got dressed and left.

I also got dressed in a nice maroon skin tight dress, I straightened my hair and I made my way to the pent house where Lucas is. Having connections is amazing with one simple call from dad to the hotel I got the code and I'm in the elevator going up. My nerves are already getting the best of me. It's around half past nine.

I got into the pent house and I could hear voices from the bedroom. I walked over trying to make as little noise as possible. "Baby what's wrong?" I heard a woman speak.

"what the fuck happened here, Amber! What the fuck are we doing in bed? When the hell did we even end up here" Lucas was shouting.

My heart dropped to my ass. My palms are sweaty, I hardly could breath. My chest felt tight.

"You need to leave, Fuck!! What did I do?" he sounded panicked. "Amber, I am fucking getting married! How could we do this? I don't even remember anything, my head hurts so fucking bad"

Opening the bedroom door I stood there. A blonde laid in the bed the blankets to her waist her top half completely naked. Lucas stood in just his boxers shouting for her to get the fuck out of the room. He looked up at me, his face as pale as a ghost. "Who the fuck are you" The blonde bitch asked.

I walked into the room. "Oh me? I'm no one you should worry about" I smiled at her.

I walked over to her. She didn't even cover her body. Did she have no shame? Lucas still hasnt said a word. He's just there like a mute staring at me.

I took his ring of my finger. "Lucas, should I give it to her or do you want to do the honors?" I asked smiling at him. I couldn't cry, not now. I wasn't going to fight, I wasn't going to perform. I'm going to walk out of here with my head held high.

"Analia, baby can we please talk about this?" He asked.

"Okay, Lucas but won't you introduce us first?" I asked looking at the blonde in bed. "Amber, th-This is my Fiancé Analia, Analia baby, this is Amber a-a business partner here in Paris" I nodded my head, she knows about us. I could see the smirk on her lips as she looked at me. "wait wait let me correct him, I'm Analia, his ex fiancé. It's lovely to meet you Amber. I hope you two have fun.

"we can talk now, if you like Lucas? Or would you rather talk while we stand in front of our family and friends on Saturday?" I asked.

I turned and walked out of the room. There was a table in the lounge. I set the ring on the table And walked over to the elevator.

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