Chapter 30: A Moment Alone

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(A/n) sorry about skipping the whole destroying the lacrima thing. I just wanted to get this chapter done, but I'm confident you will love it)

(Y/n)'s POV


I was frantically flying through the air, dodging rubble and falling rocks. I lost track of Erza after we destroyed the lacrima and we got separated. We also managed to hit all 6 lacrima at the same time, destroying Nirvana for good.

I kept on flying around rocks until I fairly large one blocked my path. I inhaled.


My breath attack blasted right though it, giving me the chance to escape. I was now flying in between trees, trying to find my friends.


When I was distracted, I slammed face first into a tree. I fell to the forest floor with a thud as my vision became blurry.

???: holy crap!

A blurry figure knelt down next to me. They had black hair and no shirt. It had to be Grey.

Grey: dude, you ok?! How many fingers am I holding up?!

He held 4 fingers in front of my face, but due to my vision problems at the particular moment, it just looked like he was holding a bunch of worms in front of me.

(Y/n): 85

Natsu: he sounds fine to me.

Not even 10 seconds later everything went black, but before I lost consciousness, I heard Oak's voice to the left of me.

Oak: this is really getting old.

Timeskip brought to you by chibi Oak dragging chibi (y/n)'s limp body

I woke up leaning against a rock. I yawned and stood up.

Happy: look who's finally awake.

(Y/n): ok, how long was I out this time?

Lucy: about half an hour, you really missed a lot.

(Y/n): like what?

Grey: well, we met up after stopping Nirvana. Then these guys from the magic council showed up and arrested Hoteye and Jellal.

(Y/n): serves that bastard right.

Natsu: he helped me beat Zero, (y/n)!

(Y/n): wait, so Jellal's actually a good guy now?

Lucy: pretty much.

(Y/n): alright, so where's Erza?

Grey: she said she needed a moment alone.

(Y/n): well, I got a splitting headache right now. I'm going for a walk.

Lucy: see ya later, (y/n).

I began walking through the forest with no real destination. I was completely alone. Nothing but me and my thoughts.

(Y/n): so Natsu's the one who took down Zero, and Jellal helped him. If it wasn't for him, we probably wouldn't have made it. Is that really enough for me to forgive him? He manipulated his friends into believing a lie, he killed Simon with out so much as a second thought, and he planned to sacrifice Erza in order resurrect Zeref. This is all so confusing.

I stopped in my tracks when I began to here sobbing coming from behind a rock. I walked over and peeked over it only to see Erza with her knees up to her chin, crying. I came out from behind the rock.

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