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I made my way through the halls of Imladris, following the sound of light chatter. I entered the open room where many of the more noble elves were dining. They nodded and smiled in greeting as I made my way over to the steps leading up to the table where my Adar and Arwen sat, chatting and eating. "Mare aur, Adar a Arwen. It's a beautiful day", I said as I sat on a seat between them. "Mare aur , Nénariel, yes it is a nice day", my Adar replied. 

Nénariel. My name was one of the few things about myself that I actually liked and cared about. It means 'Star Maiden', and it fitted me perfectly, as the stars were  something that I loved and cherished. I would often sneak out of my room at late hours to stargaze to my heart's content. The way they shone with their own light, and formed patterns that guided travellers truly fascinated me.

My sister smiled at me brightly, but her expression turned to a frown when she noticed my attire. "Nénariel! What have you done  with your hair?" She scolded me. Well I couldn't blame her too much, I had braided it rather hurriedly.

She wasn't finished yet though. "And your slippers are blue. Why in Arda would you wear blue slippers on a green  gown? They do not match, gwathel nin! Oh and just look at your face, there are bags under your eyes!" Her expression softened. "Are you not sleeping well, gwathel nin?"

No, I wasn't sleeping well. That dream had been keeping me from sleep for a rather long time now. I was thinking of telling her and Adar about it when-

"I told you to put a end to your midnight wanderings! Do not think I am unaware of them", she continued relentlessly. I sighed and started on my food, I was actually rather hungry. I wouldn't tell them just yet.

"Nénariel," she began again. I rolled my eyes. "Heni beth nin. You need to take better care of yourself."

I stood up suddenly. I had endured enough. "Why," I hissed through my teeth. "Why do you care so much. All you ever do is complain to me. About my appearance. About my behaviour. Always telling me what I should and should not do. I am not an elfling anymore, Arwen, and you are not my naneth. Tell me, why is it so important that I always look and behave so perfectly? I am not like you, gwathel, I am different, and you know that, you all do. I want to be myself, I want to be free! Not confined to these walls, living the same repeated life of every noble elleth." I sat back down, feeling strangely better after my rant.

Finally Adar spoke. "Nénariel, your sister means well. She is only trying to prepare you."

"Prepare me for what, Adar? What could this relentless fussing possibly prepare me for?"

"For marriage, iell nin"


Mare aur - Good Morning

a-  and

gwathel nin- my sister 

Heni beth nin- understand my words

Iell nin-  my daughter

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