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Nenariel POV

"What...what did you say?" I whispered, utterly shocked.

 "Nénariel, you have reached the age where you should focus on your life ahead. Your time of freedom to do as you please is nearing an end, like you said, you are not an elfling anymore, you are a matur elleth now, capable of starting your own family", Adar said.

My blood boiled, and I shook with rage. How dare Adar even mention this after what happened all those years ago?

"Iell  nin, I have found a nice young Ellon for you, the son of my good friend", he continued.

"Adar", I spoke in a strangled voice. "Please stop. I will do anything you ask, I- I will do all my lessons, I will behave like a lady, anything!"

Adar had seemingly not heard a word I said. "My good friend, King Thranduil of the Woodland Realm. His son is Prince Legolas, a charming ellon, whom you shall marry. We have made most of the arrangements already."

I could not take it anymore. I stood up suddenly, and ran from the room, tears streaming down my face.I was extremely upset. My anger was not only vented towards Adar, but Arwen too, for had she not pointed out all my faults, the subject would not have been brought up.

I did not stop until I reached the armoury. I grabbed my sword and raced to the training grounds.  I brandished my sword, imagining all my problems as my opponent. After a few minutes of slicing and hacking the air, my sword was met with a clash of another weapon. 

I looked up to see my elder brother, Elladan grinning down at me. "Dan!" I cried. I always referred  to my twin older brothers by my nicknames for them, Dan, and Ro for Elrohir, much to Arwen's chagrin. I loved them both so much, and I got on with them a lot better than I did with anyone else in my family. They understood me, unlike everyone else. They were the ones who taught me to wield weapons, taught me all I know about battle and things that actually interested and benefitted me.

I threw myself into Dan's arms, and he hugged me tight. "I thought you were away with Ro!" I exclaimed. "We came back early, Nénariel, for we had to speak with Adar urgently. Elrohir is with him now." He noticed my tear stained face. "Something happened?"

I told him all about my arranged marriage, and Prince Legolas.

"I'll figure this out gwathel nin, don't you worry", he said, gently cupping my face.


Sorry for the short chapter, I promise the next one will be longer and have a lot more action!

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