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Elladan POV

Nénariel told me all about Adar's plans for her marriage to Prince Legolas. Luckily I was able to conceal my rage in front of her. I had met the prince of Mirkwood once, and he was nice enough, but his father was a completely different story.

I ran through the halls of Imladris until I reached Lord Elrond's study. Without knocking I barged through the oak doors. Adar was seated at his desk and my brother Elrohir was pacing the length of the study with his hands clasped behind his back. They both looked up at my sudden entrance.

"Elladan, what is this? Did I not teach you to knock before entering a room?" Elrond frowned.

"Adar, I must discuss something with you immediately. Alone." I said, looking pointedly at my brother.

"Elladan, whatever you have to say can wait. We must discuss the topic at hand. Technically, you should have been here with Elrohir to deliver the report, especially one as concerning as this. Your brother tells me that you discovered an orc camp not too far from here?"

I  paused before glancing at my brother. The events that occurred just hours ago replayed in my mind. "Yes Adar, we did indeed find a camp, just past the Ford of Bruinen. We would have ridden of the foul creatures but they were far too great in number, I counted around 80, a lot more than usual. They bore a strange sign on their armour, one we have never seen before."

Elrohir pulled out a torn piece of paper from his tunic and handed it over to our father. "I managed to get a quick sketch of it before they noticed our presence", he said, motioning to the drawing. 

Adar's eyes widened and I saw him pale considerably. "This cannot be true- unfathomable even. He- he can't be back", he muttered, for the first time looking confused and worried. "As if Sauron and the ring wasn't enough..."

"Hang on Adar, are you telling me that these orcs are not from Mordor?!" I asked incredulously.

"Yes, my son. These orcs work not for Sauron, but for... Garavion Trastedir."

I froze. "....him?!" I gasped. "The one that... you know...killed-"

"Don't say her name, Elladan, please. It may have happened all those years ago but the memory is still fresh in my mind." 

A pained expression crossed his face, which was quickly replaced by one of worry. "Nénariel, she is still unaware of this, isn't she? I don't want her to know quite yet, it will only put her in more danger than she already is."

Elrohir sighed. "Adar, don't you think it is high time that she is told? She is not a child anymore, she is far stronger than you think."

"You are right. But now is not the time, perhaps after her marriage, I will tell her."

At the mention of marriage, my previous anger returned. "Her marriage. That was what I came to discuss with you. Adar, what in Eru's name is wrong with you? Sending her to Mirkwood? To Thranduil?!"

"That is none of your concern, Elladan, and Thranduil is a very honourable king. His son Legolas is a fine prince, and I'm sure he will make a perfect husband for Nénariel."

"Of course it is my concern, Adar, she is my sister! Thranduil is cold-hearted, arrogant and barely shows any sort of care to anyone besides his son! You will make Nénariel's life a living hell! I mean, she has never even met Legolas!", I ranted on.

My father sighed. "Elladan, I have my reasons for doing this.  Imladris cannot keep her safe much longer, but Mirkwood can. Legolas can."

My anger slowly started to dissolve. Adar was doing this for her protection, not just for political benefit. Legolas was a mighty warrior, even better than myself and my brother. And the enemy would not think to look for her in Mirkwood, he would definitely come here first.

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