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Legolas POV

"Nana!" I screamed. 

"I'm coming, ion nin, I'm coming".

I tried my best to push past  the mass of  elves, searching desperately for my naneth. Just moments ago we had been reading together in the vast library when the alarm was raised. It was an orc raid, which generally weren't uncommon these days in the forest. But the brutes had managed to breach the walls of my home. 

My naneth had grabbed my hand and we ran out and joined the mass of elves trying to get to the main hall where it would be safest. However in the rush I let go of her hand. I was pushed by the crowd into the hall like a great wave. All the elves here were mainly elleth mothers with their children, who were mostly around my age.

I finally saw a glimpse of a honey-haired elleth searching around frantically, her forehead creased with worry. She saw me and breathed a sigh of relief. Nana crouched down and hugged me tight. I knew she was scared, not just for us, we would be safe behind the giant bolted doors of the hall, but for Ada. He was out there, fighting with his guards and soldiers against the foul creatures. Ada was such an amazing warrior, he could defeat anyone or anything. I wanted to be just like him when I grew older.

When the cries and screams of panic died down, the silence became so thick in the hall, you could cut it with a knife. We waited with baited breaths as we could hear everything going on behind the solid walls.

The sounds of swords clashing, orcs snarling and elves crying out in pain every so often seemed to be all we could hear, each of us praying that our loved ones were ok, in me and Nana's case, Ada.

The noise seemed to be quieting down slightly with each passing minute, leading us to foolishly believe that the orcs had been defeated and driven out the palace. There were sighs and gasps of relief, the tension in the air relaxing considerably.

How very wrong we were.

THUD...THUD...THUD... Everybody froze, myself included. It was the unmistakable sound of someone or something trying to break down the doors. With every THUD, the hinges seemed to loosen, the wood began to crack, till with an almighty BANG! The doors broke and a group of those foul, evil orcs burst into the hall, leering at us and howling at the fact that they were able to break through to the halls of the mighty Thranduil.

My heart leapt into my throat, as us weaponless elves cowered in fright, hoping and praying to Eru that the guards would have heard the noises and come to our aid. One of the orcs sauntered over to us, while his comrades surrounded us on all sides, raising their ugly and blunt weapons threateningly. Nana, being the fearless queen she was, pushed her way to the front of the elves till she came face to face with the leading orc. She raised her head high and looked down at the filth before her.

"What do you want with my people? If you want to kill them, you will have to go through me."

Her voice rang out confidently, but I could detect the quiver of fear as she spoke.

"Get through you?! You are nothing but a poor, defenceless elleth. I could take you out with one swipe of my sword", he jeered, showcasing his broken and yellowed teeth.

"I am the queen of Eryn Galen. I'd like to see you try."

Unbeknownst to most people, my nana always carried a small, sharp dagger in a hidden pocket in the sleeve of her gown. Normally, it probably wouldn't do much damage, but in her hands, it was deadly. With her hands behind her back, she discreetly pulled it out.

The orc, upon hearing her title, seemed to pale slightly and lose a small fraction of confidence. The skill of Queen Calaena was widely known throughout middle earth. The orc regained himself quickly.

"Oh, so this is Thranduil's bitch! I wager I'll get a mighty fine reward from my master for you head", he growled.  

He brought down his sword, aiming for her head, but she was too fast. Deftly deflecting the blow with only her small blade, she whirled round, pulling him into a headlock, her blade at his neck. 

The orc was struggling to breath, when he noticed me. I had stupidly pushed through the crowd to  reach Nana, calling her in the process.

"So..t-this...isss *wheeze**wheeze*leaf..",  he managed to choke out. He glanced to the guards and quick as a flash, I was grabbed by two orcs. 

I screamed and struggled, but it was no use. 

The orc on my right threaded "release him, and we release your son, and your fellow elf scum. If not...". He tightened his grip on his sword. 

Nana cried out and quickly let go of the orc. She rushed over and engulfed me in her arms, whispering soothing words in my ear. 

The sound of  multiple light footsteps approached. Ada was coming! I looked over her shoulder and my eyes widened in fear. I froze, tried to warn her but it was too late. 

The orc that she had headlocked had recollected himself and was runnng towards us, blade in hand.

Time seemed  to stop. My naneth's once relieved face contorted with pain as the blade punctured her back and shoulder. Her eyes lost their dazzling light. She fell limp in my arms.

To be continued...


Nana - mum

Nanneth - mother 

Ion nin -  my son

Ada -  dad

Elleth - female elf

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