We Only See Each Other at Weddings and Funerals

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3rd Person POV

On the 12th hour of the first day of October 1989, 43 women around the world gave birth.

This was unusual only in the fact that none of these women had been pregnant when the day first began. Sir Reginald Hargreeves, eccentric billionaire and adventurer, resolved to locate and adopt as many of the children as possible.

He got 8 of them.



Lilly dances in a light blue leotard with a skirt, and a pair of black leather gloves covering her hands. She twirls around an empty stage, her blue hair pulled tight into a fine-curled ponytail to keep it out of her face for her turns. All is silent as she finishes the last motion of her dance, leaping through the air and twirling to the ground in her ending pose.

Then, a phone rings.

Getting up from the floor, Lilly walks over to her dance bag and pulls out her phone. She answers.

"Lilly." The strained voice of her twin sister, Vanya, says on the other side.

"Yeah?" Lilly asks.

"It's Dad." Vanya says.

In the silence, the phone drops from her hands while Lilly stands in complete and utter shock.


Lilly and Vanya are sitting in the back of a taxi, Lilly has on her usual jeans and blue t-shirt, with her blue hair down and her black leather gloves on. She was told to always wear her gloves, on account of her sickness she had been diagnosed with and had been taking pills every day for since she could remember. The taxi drives through the pouring rain to the Umbrella Academy, the home they were raised in. The home their superpowered siblings learned to save the world in and where Vanya and Lilly were reminded everyday of how unspecial they were. Lilly was reminded all the time by their father, Mr. Hargreeves. She is known as 7½, nicknamed 'Half', twin sister to Vanya. The name 'Half' because she was a mistake, as her father liked to call her, a twin who wasn't supposed to be born.

The taxi stops by the house. Vanya gets out first and Lilly gets out after, closing the door behind them.

The two girls walk into the house.

The picture of their superpowered siblings hangs on the wall. Their mother is in the living room, staring into space.

"Hey, Mom." Vanya says. "Mom?" She asks when there's no answer.

"Vanya? Lilly?" The two girls hear their sister, Allison, say. "You're actually here."

Allison walks down the stairs.

"Hey, Allison." Vanya says, a little hesitant.

"Hey, sis." Allison says.

Allison pulls Vanya in for a hug. Allison sends a small smile to Lilly. The siblings couldn't touch, in fear of Lilly's sickness. Lilly's sickness had taken a toll on her immune system. It didn't make a lot of sense, but their father drilled into their heads that Lilly was to not be touched.

"What are the twins doing here?" One brother, Diego, asks. "You two don't belong here. Not after what you did." He says, walking past them.

"You're seriously gonna do this today?" Allison asks as Diego walks up the stairs. "Way to dress for the occasion, by the way."

"At least I'm wearing black." Diego calls back down to her.

"You know what? I...Maybe he's right." Vanya says.

The Blue Dancer //Book One// - Umbrella Academy - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now