Chapter 7 - The Day that Was

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3rd Person POV

"I can't believe I was stupid enough to go back there." Lilly yells.

Vanya and Leonard are stopped in the middle of the street.

"They frickin' suck." Lilly says. "They've never seen me as a real person and they never WILL!" She kicks a car tire.

Vanya and Leonard stare at her.

"What?" Lilly angrily asks.

"Um...uh..." Vanya stutters.

"You're, uh, hair is on fire." Leonard says.

"What?!" Lilly screeches, running over to a car and checking the side mirror.

Lilly looks in the mirror and sees that the tips of her blue hair are indeed on fire.

"What the hell happened?" Lilly whispers.

"You happened." Leonard says.

"Bull, that's...that's crazy." Lilly says.

"You, you need to calm down." Leonard tells Lilly. "Come with me, both of you. I know somewhere we can go."


"Wow." Vanya says after walking into the cabin. "This place is so nice. Whose is it, again?"

"This is Grandma's place." Leonard says. "Lots of pinched cheeks, right here."

Lilly looks around at the gorgeous place, and then she spots a mirror. Looking in the mirror, she sees that her blue hair and brown eyes have returned to their natural colors.

Leonard finds a picture.

"You okay?" Vanya asks Leonard.

"You spend your whole life trying to forget about the crap you went through as a kid. You know? And then, the second you step back in, you feel just as insignificant." Leonard says.

"Yeah, I think we know what you mean." Lilly says.

"You know, we don't have to stay here." Vanya says. "We can just - get a shitty motel or something."

"No." Leonard says. "It's perfect for what we need to do."

Lilly and Vanya share a look.

"Which is what, exactly?" Lilly asks.

"We need to find out what you girls are truly capable of." Leonard says.

"Oh, my God." Vanya whispers.

"Remember what you said the day we met? Practice makes perfect." Leonard says.

"Yeah, this is a little different than chord progressions." Vanya says. "I mean, if I do...Look, I can't even say it. I can't wrap my head around it. There's..."

"Vanya." Leonard says. "You and Lilly have spent your entire lives feeling less than your brothers and sisters, only to discover you've both had this in you the entire time. You owe it to yourself to discover what that really means. Okay? Clear your mind. Focus. Where better to do that than here?"

Leonard opens the window.

Birds chirps and the leaves sway, it's gorgeous.


"Look, I ju...I don't think I can do this." Vanya says.

It's night time and the twins and Leonard are on a dock, a boat out on the water.

"I know you can." Leonard says. "Vanya, you've seen what people with power can do. They can stand up for those who can't defend themselves."

"Yeah, and at what cost?" Vanya asks. "I watched everything my brothers and sister could do ruin their lives."

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