Chapter 3 - Extra Ordinary

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Lilly is on her way to the Umbrella Academy, a pair of athletic shorts over her blue leotard and her dance bag over her shoulder.

Vanya and Lilly are talking on the phone when Lilly looks at her watch.

"Vanya, shouldn't you be at rehearsal?" Lilly asks through the phone.

"Shit, you're right!" Vanya exclaims. "I'll--I'll call you later."

Vanya hangs up the phone.

Lilly stops in front of the Umbrella Academy and sighs, looking up at the building.

She opens the door and as soon as she walks in, the smell of bacon and eggs takes over.

Her stomach growls and Lilly is thankful that she didn't take her pills so she can eat actual food.

Lilly walks into the kitchen and sees Luther and Allison sitting at the table and Mom at the stove.

Allison and Luther look to Lilly as soon as she walks in.

"Um, hi, I, uh--" Lilly starts until she is cut off.

"Lilly-Jane!" Mom exclaims. Lilly jumps slightly at her full name, looking over at her mother slightly afraid. "Where are your gloves?"

Lilly looks down at her hands and realizes she forgot to put her gloves on.

"I, uh, I swear, I only took--took them off for a, for a second." Lilly stutters.

"You know how dangerous that is!" Mom scolds. "Put your gloves on now."

Lilly quickly unzips her bag and starts putting her gloves on.

"Have you taken your meds?" Mom asks. "Five told me you've skipped your meds a few times."

Lilly feels betrayed by Five.

"I just wanted to eat some actual food, please!" Lilly exclaims.

"Lilly-Jane, take your medicine now." Mom says.

"Ugh!" Lilly groans.

Lilly throws a pill into her mouth.

"Swallow." Mom says. Lilly swallows the pill. "Good."

Mom walks out.

Lilly looks over to Luther and Allison who are staring at her.

Then she runs to the trashcan and opens her mouth.

"Half, don't you dare!" Allison exclaims, running over and grabbing Lilly's wrist.

"Allison, let go of me!" Lilly struggles in her grasp.

"No, you're not making yourself--" Allison starts.

"I'm not!" Lilly exclaims. Lilly spits the pill out. "I never swallowed it."

Allison lets go and Luther stars walking over.

"Half, what you're doing is dangerous." Luther says.

"I don't care." Lilly says.

"You should, you're sick." Allison says.

"I don't care!" Lilly yells. She can feel the heat rising in her body. "Don't you dare talk to me about my health. You guys don't get it! And you never will!" What she was yelling at them for, she didn't know. But there was so much anger in her that she just let it out.

Lilly storms out.

"Is something burning?" Lilly hears Allison ask from the kitchen.


The Blue Dancer //Book One// - Umbrella Academy - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now