Chapter 4 - Man on the Moon

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Lilly and Vanya are asleep on the couch. Lilly has a cold towel on her forehead.

Vanya wakes up to the sound of dishes clattering.

"I hope I wasn't being too loud." Leonard says as Vanya sits up and rubs her eyes.

"Oh, I'm so sorry." Vanya says. "I must have fallen asleep last night."

"It's okay. You were exhausted." Leonard says. He nods over to Lilly. "Your sister got lucky, she doesn't have a concussion."

"Thank god." Vanya says. "Sorry again."

"It's okay." Leonard says. "I would've let you sleep all day, too, but--"

"Rehearsal." Vanya gasps.

"Rehearsal." Leonard says.

Vanya grabs for her pills but they're empty.

"Oh, shit. Vanya says.

"What?" Leonard asks.

"I thought I'd be going home last night, so I left my refill." Vanya says. "Stupid!"

"So you stop by on your way." Leonard says.

"No, there's no time." Vanya says. "It's just I really need it for my nerves. I've been taking it since I was a kid."

"For one day, I think you'll be fine." Leonard says.

"Yeah, you're right." Vanya says. "I'm sorry."

"Hey, let's make a deal." Leonard says. "Around me, you don't have to apologize just for existing. It's a beautiful day. Come on. I'll walk you to rehearsal."

"Is it on your way?" Vanya asks.

"Not at all." Leonard says.

"Hey, Lilly." Vanya says, shaking Lilly gently.

Lilly groans, turning over.

Lilly opens her eyes and holds her arms over her chest tight.

"Vanya, I'm...I'm fre--freezing." Lilly stutters out.

Vanya takes the cold towel from Lilly's head and feels.

"Jesus, Lil, you're burning up." Vanya says, her and Leonard kneeling down in front of Lilly. "When's the last time you took your meds?" Lilly is silent. "Did you take them last night?"

"I ra--ran out of them last night." Lilly says.

"Oh, god." Vanya says. "Your immune system sucks, Lilly, you know this." Lilly falls back to sleep. "I gotta get her home. But I gotta go to rehearsal. Jeez, what am I going to do?"

"I can take her home after I drop you at rehearsal." Leonard offers.

"Really?" Vanya asks, looking at him.

"Of course." Leonard says. "We can let her sleep for now and I can call one of your siblings to pick her up."

"Thank you so much, I'm really sorry." Vanya says.

"You're doing it again." Leonard says.

The two leave.


Leonard had been reading over a book, muttering the numbers 7 and 7 and a half and powers for about 20 minutes after he dropped Vanya off. Lilly had still been asleep while he read through the leather journal.

"What're you doing?" Lilly asks, sitting up.

Leonard snaps the book closed.

"Nothing." Leonard says. "How about we get you to Vanya's?"

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