Chapter 5 - Number Five

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3rd Person POV

Lilly is at the counter of the pharmacy.

"Please, can you check again?" Lilly pleads with the woman.

"I told you, there's nothing here under your name." The woman says.

"Please, check again." Lilly says. "Lilly Hargreeves, October 1, 89."

The woman types the information into her computer.

She turns the screen around to show Lilly.

"Nothing." The woman says.

Lilly buries her head in her hands and tries to think.

"Listen, I'm sorry, I am, but I have other customers in line." The woman says.

Lilly looks behind her and sees a line of impatient people.

"Yeah--okay, I'm sorry." Lilly stutters out, stepping aside.


Vanya opens her door up to see Lilly.

"Hey, Lil." Vanya says.

Lilly walks in and closes the door behind her.

"They don't have a refill for me." Lilly tells Vanya.

"They don't?" Vanya asks.

"No." Lilly says. "I made them check three times and there's nothing there."

"Lilly, you need your pills." Vanya says, putting a scarf on.

"I understand that, but if I don't have pills I can't TAKE the pills." Lilly tells her. "I don't know what to do."

There's a knock at the door.

"I'll get it." Lilly says.

Lilly opens the door up to Allison.

"Hey." Vanya greets as Allison walks in.

"Morning, Twins." Allison says. She looks to Vanya. "Hey, nice scarf. Are you wearing makeup?"

"Just a little." Vanya says.

Vanya shifts through her cabinet.

"Damn." Vanya sighs, closing the cabinet.

"What's wrong?" Allison asks.

"I ran out of my meds yesterday." Vanya says. "I usually keep my refill in my butter container, but all I seem to have is butter, so..."

"Well, I brought you a surprise." Allison says, holding up a cup of coffee and some food. "Bomboloni, from Petrola's bakery. Just like when we were kids."

"That is so sweet, but I'm gonna save it, 'cause I'm meeting Leonard for breakfast." Vanya says.

"Flowers yesterday, brunch this morning." Allison says. "You're really jumpin' in with both feet."

"What's wrong with that?" Vanya asks.

"Well, how well do you know him?" Allison asks.

"Well, enough to get breakfast, if that's what you're asking." Vanya says.

"It's just, after yesterday, I don't....I have a bad feeling." Allison says.

"Allison." Vanya sighs. "I haven't seen you in 12 years, and all of a sudden you're giving me dating advice?"

"I'm still your sister, and I am concerned about you and him." Allison says.

"What are you concerned about?" Vanya asks.

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