Falling As Sparks Fly

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I woke up to a knock coming from downstairs and was grateful when I heard Katie answer it. It was the moving van bringing in the kitchen supplies and the rest of the furniture. I got up and immediately checked my phone. There were 5 missed calls from Kaloub and 6 text messages. Part of me was happy he finally responded but the other part was still upset and wasn't sure if I should reply back. I checked the time stamp and the messages came in at 4:33 am. I didn't even want to entertain the thought of what he was doing the entire day and night that it took him so long to contact me. I could feel the anger take over and my day was only just beginning.

I looked at the time and saw that it was 9:37 am. It was way too early for someone who fell asleep just a few hours before but I knew I had to get up and help Katie organize everything.

I read a chapter of my online bible app, said a prayer, and hopped out of my bed. I peered at bland walls of my room and couldn't wait to finally decorate and make it somewhat like home.

Before getting in the shower I sent my mom a quick text saying how much I missed her and that I would call her when everything was settled.

I was getting dressed when my phone started vibrating. It was Patrick and part of me wasn't sure if I should answer it. I let it vibrate once more then preceded to answering it.

"Hey... Good morning." I said trying not to sound too much of anything that would give him the wrong impression.

"Good morning, you sound tired! I was just calling to see if you and Katie wanted some help setting up?" He said enthusiastically.

"Aww you don't have to do that. We just met. I wouldn't feel right asking.. Even though we could really use the help." I said desperate to finish the job.

"That's why I'm offering." He said obviously smiling through the line.

I laughed.

"Alright, alright. Since you're begging and everything I guess I'll let you help us a little." I said chuckling sarcastically.

He laughed then sighed.

"Thanks so much your highness... I'll be over there in 20 minutes. Want anything to eat?" He asked.

I smiled to myself.

"Nahh, you're help is more than enough. Just shoot me a text when you're close." I said while pulling on my black tights.

"Alright, bagels and OJ it is. See you in a bit Jules." He said and then my line went blank.

I didn't know what was more surprising; the fact that he wanted to help so bad or the way he called me Jules as if he's known me for years.

"Julie! Get your ass down here!" I heard Katie shout over the movers coming and going in and out of the apartment.

I made my way downstairs.

"I'm sorry. Was getting dressed. Pat's coming over to help out." I said surprised at myself for calling him Pat.

"Oooo Pat... Short name basis I see." She said teasing while picking up the pots and pans box and putting them in the kitchen.

I rolled my eyes.

"He offered. He's sweet. Unlike Kaloub lately." I said, immediately hating myself for comparing another guy to my boyfriend.

Katie pouted her lip.

"Maybe he was just busy. It's no excuse but don't be so quick to condemn him just yet. Just enjoy the new experience." She said sympathetically.

I picked up another box and dragged it into the kitchen and began organizing. I was almost done when I felt my phone vibrate once and then again. The text was from Pat and the other from Kaloub.

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