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"Odysseus, Odysseus,
Forget where you're going,
Forget what you're doing,
And come to me.."

Everything was becoming clear.

"Help me change my fate."

Suddenly, I gasped loudly and coughed as I swiftly sat up grasping onto my chest. I groaned as my body felt extremely soar and cold by my soaked sandy clothes that were attached to my body.

I shivered intensely and chattered my teeth as the cool morning breeze flowed through me and the cold water touching my feet. I cough lightly as my throat felt scratchy and hissed in pain as the sun burnt my red eyes.

What happened last night?

"Hell yeah!! It worked!" I jumped in surprise towards the sudden sound from beside me and looked over to only gasp in surprise and widen my eyes towards the sight in front of me.




She was sitting beside me and staring at her bare slender legs in admiration with the widest smile I had ever seen.

Was she staring at her slender legs or was I?

I felt heat instantly creep into my cheeks and I quickly squealed and covered my eyes,

"I have legs!! I actually have legs!" She screams out in excitement. I peek my eyes through my fingers and noticed her struggling to stand up.

She tries to stand up but her legs quickly failed her and she was suddenly faced flat onto the sand squealing in contentment. I avert my eyes to the water as her naked butt was in display.

"Umm m-miss?" I stutter out. From the corner of my eye, I see the silver hair girl turn her face towards me. She gasps in surprise,

"You!" She suddenly yells out as she began to drag her body towards me causing me to gulp nervously as her smooth, unique, gorgeous features grew closer. I gasp as she suddenly sits up and hugs me tightly, her bare chest touching my clothed one. I blush in embarrassment.

"Thank you! thank you! thank you!" She happily repeats. I kept my hand down, not wanting to touch this naked stranger and awkwardly cleared my throat,

"F-for what exactly?" I stammer out again. My mind grew blank as I continued to try to remember what exactly went down last night.

Did I sleep with this woman on this beach?

And was she thanking me for sleeping with her?

Was I that good?

I'm never drinking again.

The naked woman pulls away and stares at me in disbelief.

"You don't remember last night?" Her familiar giant doe eyes stared at my feline ones in curiosity, causing my cheeks to heat up once again, but not from embarrassment.

Not trusting my voice, I silently shook my head as I too stared at her in curiosity. She did seem relatively familiar to me but I couldn't put my finger on it.

Suddenly, the corner of her lips lifted into a smirk as she suddenly alternated her eyes from my lips to my eyes and began to lean in slowly causing me to freeze in my spot and stare wide eyed towards her.

I couldn't move.

What was happening to me?

"Maybe this will help you remember." She whispers against my lips causing me to shiver from her warm breathe. I feel my breath hitch in the back of my throat as she skims her plump lips onto mine causing my eyes to flutter close,

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