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Oh my God.

Oh my God.

Oh my God.

"Lisa! Get off the couch and help me clean!" I yell out as I hastily grabbed the pillows off the floor and placed them neatly on the couch. Lisa laughs and stands up to fluff up the pillows,

"Jen, relax. You've cleaned the living room three times already," She reassures as she stops and watches my rushed movements in amusement. I groan in frustration,

"But my—" she cuts me off by rushing towards me and placing her hand over my mouth while grinning,

"But your moms coming, I know, you've told me that many times this week," She teases causing me to narrow my eyes and swat her hand off my lips.

My mother had announced her arrival last week and I couldn't help but feel excited but also nervous.

Excited because I haven't seen my mother in almost three months, but nervous because she doesn't know about Kai and I.

Or the fact that I'm living with a siren.

Lisa chuckles and grabs onto my wrist before pulling me towards the dining table and seating me down. She goes behind me and places her hands over my shoulder,

"You need to relax Jen. The house is clean, I finally gave up on removing my pants and you're still the owner of the library your mom passed down to you. Everything will be fine," She reasons. I let out a breath and sigh in content as she began to massage my shoulders, releasing any stress and softening my tensed muscles.

"That feels good," I groan out. Lisa chuckles and leans over towards my ear,

"Imagine what else I can do with these hands," She teases causing my eyes to widen and slap her hands off my shoulders,

"Yah! Pervert!" I yell out feeling extremely flustered. She's only been a half human for a good month now and Jisoo hasn't been a very good influence to be honest. I need to stop leaving her alone with that girl. Lisa laughs and lifts her hands in surrender,

"I couldn't help i—ugh!" Lisa suddenly hisses lightly and grabs onto her head. I gasp and quickly rush over to her and placed my hands on her face. Lisa pants,

"Not again," she groans out. This was her second incident this week. Whatever is happening to her is getting worse and it's making me feel extremely worried with each passing day that we haven't solved the riddle. I gulp nervously,

"Lisa look at me," I demand. Lisa winces and slowly opens her eyes, reveling a flickering glow. I let out a breath,

"Remember what I told you. Deep breathes Lis. Breathe with me okay?" I ask before taking in a deep breath and letting it out. Lisa feverishly nods her head before closing her eyes and mimicking my breathing. And slow enough, her muscles began to soften. I smile softly as she opens her eyes and no light was seen, just my favorite eyes.

"Does it still hurt?" I ask. She grins and closes her eyes while resting her forehead on mine and placing her hands over my hands,

"It's bearable but it's slowly subsiding," she says. I sigh in relief and close my eyes,

"Goo—" before I could finish my sentence a voice was suddenly made from the entrance of the living room,

"Well, this wasn't the kind of greeting I was expecting."

Oh shit.

Lisa and I quickly jumped apart and looked towards the entrance to only see,

My mother.

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