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"Why are you blushing?" Lisa asks from the passenger seat as she stared at me in curiosity. I shift uncomfortably on the chair and awkwardly cleared my throat while opening the windows,

"I'm not. I-it's just hot in here." I explain. Which was a complete lie. I have been blushing like crazy since I woke up!

This morning was the first time in a while I woke up feeling warm and at ease. That was until I found my hand holding onto Lisa's breast when I woke up. We were cuddled up together and apparently my hand found its way to her —you know— at night and I have never felt so mortified in my life! Thank God she was still asleep.

Lisa simply shrugs and looks out the window.

"Where are we going by the way?" She asks. I sigh in relief as she immediately changes the topic.

"We're going to see a friend of mine that owns boats. Hopefully she'll let us borrow one for a few days." I say. She nods and suddenly begins to bob her head as one of my favorite songs began to play. I smile and flicker my eyes towards her for second then back to the road,

"You like the song?" I ask. Lisa shrugs but continues to dance lightly,

"Yeah it's pretty good but I'm obviously a better singer." She playfully states while whipping her hair back. I chuckle and shake my head,

"That's unfair! You're born to be a singer... literally!!" I point out as I turn up the music. She scoffs,

"If I was born a human I'd still be a talented gorgeous woman. You'd even beg for my attention." She teases but hisses as I punch her shoulder.

"As if!" I yell out. She laughs and leans back while opening and closing the window. I scowl and lock the windows for her to stop causing her to laugh even more,

"Short humans have short temper." She playfully states. I gasp,



"Lisa, wake up." I said as I shook her lightly. She groans tiredly and turns her back away from me causing me to scoff and roll my eyes.

"Child." I mumble out before exiting the car and walking towards the mini store on the dock.

"Jennie!" A familiar voice squeals out as she exits the store. I grin and wave,

"Sunmi!" I yell out. I laugh loudly as she sprints towards me and hugs me tightly. I wrap my arms around her waist as she locked her arms around my neck.

"I miss you small bean!!" She yells happily as she pulls away and ruffles my hair. I groan playfully and swat her hands away,

"I missed you too cyclops," I tease. She laughs and smiles at me,

"How have you been?" Sunmi asks. I simply shrug and chuckle,

"I've been good. New things are pretty much happening." Which I refuse to elaborate on. She chuckles and nods her head,

"Good things I hope," I smile as a response,

You have no idea.

"So hows Kai? I haven't seen you guys in weeks!" I mentally winced towards the unwanted feelings and sent a tight smile as awkwardness waved through me.

"Well we—" Before I could finish, a sound of car door slamming shut had caught both of our attentions. I turn to the side and widened my eyes seeing Lisa striding her way towards us with a look of concern. Her gaze never faltered as it was locked into mine making my heart beat in such a crazy way.

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